  • 學位論文


A Research of Safe and Disaster Diagnosis System for Old Condominium Used in The Planning Stage of Urban Renewal

指導教授 : 林利國


都市更新條例訂定原是為了讓民眾居住於更好的生活環境當中,其中關於自行劃定更新區域的都市更新在實行的過程遇到許多反彈與爭議,其牽涉層面眾多,本研究從都市更新案的設計規劃階段著手研究,且著重於老舊建物於環境安全層面調查。 本研究將老舊公寓安全與防災檢測系統經適當的修正後,採用 Access 2010 結合 ASP.NET 逐步建構系統,並透過Win7 內建之IIS功能將系統架設於網際網路上,讓一般民眾可以進行自我檢測,系統中包含結構、消防、外牆、防範、管線安全,並進行區域性之實測作業,統計出目前已核可之自行劃定都市更新單元區域性的環境安全分數,其研究成果為都市更新自主規劃設計以及主管機關審核之參考。


The Urban Renewal Act was first enacted to improve the living environments of citizens. However, controversies have arisen during the implementation process, particularly regarding the autonomy in designating urban renewal units as it involves an array of issues. Hence this study will focus on the planning and designing stages of urban renewal projects, emphasizing on the safety assessment of old apartments. This study will first modify the old apartments’ safety assessment and management system, and construct the system through combination of Access 2010 and ASP.NET. Furthermore, the entire system will be implemented online via inbuilt IIS function of Win7, making it accessible to the general public for independent self- assessment. The system encompasses the assessment of structure, fire safety, external facade, risk preventions and pipeline safety of the buildings. Such operations will be carried on regional basis to statistically calculate the assessment scores that currently approved autonomous units have earned, using these scores as reference for future autonomous urban renewal designation and revision by related authority.


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