  • 學位論文


Development of Hydraulic Controlled Variable Valve Lift System for Throttleless Scooter

指導教授 : 吳浴沂


可變汽門揚程系統應用在無節氣門之引擎上,可有效地降低燃油消耗率,還可提升引擎整體的效率。目前市面上所販售的速克達機車引擎,皆須由節氣門來控制進氣的流量,進汽門揚程也只能固定在最大開度,本研究所提出的液壓控制可變汽門揚程系統,不同於傳統速克達機車的進氣方式,本系統無需使用節氣門來調節進氣量,而是依照駕駛者的油門開度,隨著液壓的控制使進汽門達到連續可變的效果。本研究先是利用台架來量測進汽門啟閉的輪廓(profile),待確認本系統之進汽門輪廓與原引擎相同之後,再進一步的發動引擎做引擎實驗,比較兩者在泵吸損失(pumping loss)及油耗的差異性。引擎實驗係依據ECE-40的行車型態,在車速為穩態區間時的引擎轉速及曲軸輸出扭力來當實驗的條件,根據引擎實驗的結果,液壓控制可變汽門揚程系統可改善12.18~20.75%的泵吸損失,在燃油消耗率的部分亦改善了4.97~6.97%。本研究最後則是將引擎實際裝置於實車上,並於底盤動力計上做不同車速下的定速測試,測試的結果在單位油耗的部分改善了2.96~8.35%。


An engine that with variable valve lift system for Throttleless Scooter not only reduce fuel consumption efficiently, but also increase engine efficiency. The scooters selling in the market currently are needed to use a throttle to control the intake flow, the intake valve is also fixed lift. The proposed hydraulic control of the variable valve lifts system is different from the traditional scooters intake manner. Instead of using throttle to regulate the intake air, the inlet valve achieves an effect upon continuous variable by hydraulic control which according to driver's need. At first, the study uses a bench to measure the profile of intake valve to confirms the profile is the same with the original engine, and further to start the engine for engine experiment to compare the differences in pumping loss and fuel consumption. The comparison is based on the ECE-40 driving pattern which the velocity is in the steady-state interval, and using this engine speed and crankshaft output torque to do the experiment. The results show that the hydraulic-controlled variable valve lift system can improve the pumping loss about 12.18%~20.75%, and also reduce the fuel consumption about 4.97% ~ 6.97%. The proposed system is finally installed in the scooter and to do different velocity under the constant speed test on a chassis dynamometer. The test results of the fuel economy in terms of distance traveled per unit of fuel has improved by 2.96 ~ 8.35%.


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