  • 學位論文


An Instructional Design that Improves Students' Source Code Quality by Reducing Bad Smells

指導教授 : 陳偉凱


功能正確的程式並不一定是品質良好的程式。因此對於教學而言,我們希望學生寫程式作業時能更注重程式碼品質。學生程式作業的評分包含兩個部份:功能的正確性以及程式碼品質,但是,對於程式碼品質的評分,若僅是根據助教個人對於程式碼品質的見解給予一個主觀的等級分數,而不提供學生詳細的回饋意見,並無法提升學生的程式碼品質。本論文提出一個教學方法,採用壞味道(Bad Smells)做為程式碼品質的評分標準,並且回饋學生每次作業詳細的壞味道類別與位置,配合一套Peer Code Review流程,做為降低程式碼壞味道的方法,以提升品質。本論文以2011年修習台北科技大學資工系視窗程式設計課的學生為實驗對象,評估學生作業的壞味道密度,並對學生進行問卷調查,以驗證本論文之方法確實能提升學生程式碼品質。這種教學方法必須耗費助教大量的時間批改作業,但仍然在半職(Half-Time)助教工作時間範圍內。


Programs with correct functionalities do not suggest that they have good code quality as well. Therefore, for teaching, it is desirable to guide students to pay more attention to the code quality when writing programming assignments. Consequently, the grading policy for students’ programming assignments should consider both correctness and quality. However, for grading of the code quality, if the teaching assistant (TA) simply assigns an objective score level instead of providing students with an in-depth feedback, students will have difficulty improving their code quality. This thesis proposes a pedagogical method that examines the existence of bad smells as part of the grading policy. Students are provided with detailed feedback that reveals the location and the kind of bad smells within the code, along with a peer code review that reduces bad smells. This thesis takes the students of 2011 Windows Programming course of National Taipei University Technology as the subject of research, assesses the bad smell density from students’ programming assignments, and surveys the class participants with a designed questionnaire to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method on improving the code quality. The proposed method requires the TA to spend a large amount of time grading programming assignments. Though demanding, the grading can be done within the working hours of a half-time TA.


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