  • 學位論文


The Research of Landfill Gas for Electricity Generation with Case Study of Taipei City Landfill

指導教授 : 林鎮洋教授


每個人每天大約製造0.605公斤的廢棄物,差不多每年就製造了220公斤的廢棄物,以前大多數廢棄物都放置在垃圾掩埋場被掩埋。因為掩埋場廢棄物分解的過程,都會產生沼氣,沼氣如果未加以管制,會產生煙霧並且會有燃燒爆炸的危險。此外,因為沼氣中大約有50%是甲烷,它屬於溫室氣體也是寶貴的能源,因此我們必須利用這些能源轉化為有用的動力,本研究即探討沼氣內容並確定沼氣在掩埋場成功回收再利用的計畫,並估計沼氣回收再利用所產生的環境、經濟和能源的效益。 沼氣包含揮發性有機化合物,主要會影響地表臭氧及空氣中有毒氣體含量。當我們沒做好控制時,這些廢氣即會連續分解並排放於大氣中變成污染源。當沼氣在沼氣回收系統收集並且被燒燒時,這些有害的污染物便會被消除及控制,並且可以替代煤炭和石油使用,進一步減少一定數量的污染物排放,其中包括會產生酸雨的二氧化硫。此外,沼氣被收集系統收集後經燃燒回收能源,即可收集掩埋場產生的沼氣並減少排放於大氣中。沼氣收集系統也可以減少全球氣候變遷的風險,減少甲烷排放與降低全球暖化息息相關,因為每公噸甲烷排放進入大氣中與21公噸二氧化碳造成之全球暖化效果相同,甲烷在大氣中的循環也比二氧化碳快上20倍,因此,停止甲烷排放可以迅速使得全球氣候暖化變慢。


Each person generates about 0.605kg of solid waste perday — almost 220kg per year. Most of this waste is disposed of solid waste landfills. As this landfilled waste decomposes, it produces landfill gas. Landfill gas contributes to the formation of smog and poses an explosion hazard if uncontrolled. Furthermore, because landfill gas is about 50 percent methane, it is both a potent greenhouse gas and a valuable source of energy. This research determines whether landfill gas energy recovery is likely to succeed at a landfill, and to clarify the steps involved in developing a successful project. Landfill gas energy recovery offers significant environmental, economic, and energy benefits. Landfill gas contains volatile organic compounds, which are major contributors to ground-level ozone and which include air toxics. When little is done to control them, these pollutants are continuously released to the atmosphere as waste decomposes. When landfill gas is collected and burned in an energy recovery system, these harmful pollutants are destroyed. Furthermore, landfill gas collection systems operated for energy recovery are often more carefully managed than those designed to flare the gas. This means that more of the gas generated in the landfill may be collected and combusted, with fewer emissions to the atmosphere. Landfill gas energy recovery also has the potential to significantly reduce the risk of global climate change. Landfill gas is the single largest source of anthropogenic methane. Reducing methane emissions is critical in the fight against global climate change because each ton of methane emitted into the atmosphere has as much global warming impact as 21 tons of carbon dioxide over a 100 year time period. In addition, methane cycles through the atmosphere about 20 times more quickly than carbon dioxide, which means that stopping methane emissions today can make quick progress toward slowing global climate change.


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