  • 學位論文


Using A Case on A Waste Disposal Facility Environmental Impact Assessment Project to Study the Feasibility of Different Waste Treatment Direction in Taiwan

指導教授 : 薩支高


本硏究以某廢棄物處理廠開發計畫環境影響評估案為例,透過各界觀點及共同期望,以跳脫既有框架的思維,來探討台灣廢棄物處理之可行方向,冀求能在我國廢棄物處理的困境中,提供打破僵局之建議。 台灣2021年廢棄物掩埋量合計約98萬公噸,無法去化之事業廢棄物更高達603萬公噸。目前公有掩埋場僅剩餘一成掩埋量,民營掩埋場由於民意反對,近五年來未有取得處理許可者,掩埋設施不足將影響產業正常發展。 藉由某廢棄物處理廠開發計畫之環境影響評估案例,本研究觀察到固有之掩埋場型式已不再被接受,即使規劃內容符合法規標準,並強調管理與污染防治措施,仍受到強烈的不信任與民意抗爭。 本研究在廢棄物處理之可行方向探討,以環境條件與臺灣相似之國外廢棄物掩埋場設置情形為借鏡,分為廢棄物掩埋場形式變革、拓展環保材料再利用市場及共同經營概念之回饋方式三者進行探討。在掩埋場形式的部分,針對未來有經濟價值潛力之廢棄物,以可存取之資源中繼站為概念,設計倉儲式貯存空間,不改變貯存物性狀以利未來資源化,貯存層不與地表接觸,可完全避免地下水污染疑慮,並不受地理條件如地質、集水區、斷層帶及生態影響。針對已有再利用技術,僅因市場有限而去化受阻之廢棄物,可拓展環保材料之再利用市場,以經無害化與資源化之再利用產品進行填海造陸,除有利於降低環境風險及管控填築材料品質外,並可依實際填築所需調整配比,由於有市場既有需求,藉此增加去化管道。在回饋方式的部分,依據實際營業獲利直接分配回饋金,視獲得回饋者為共同經營者之概念,建立彼此共好之夥伴關係,可使民意更有認同感,並由當地居民組織監督委員會,藉由營運管理資訊公開透明化,提升互信基礎。 在零廢棄的時代真正到來之前,仍須妥善安置尚無法處理之廢棄物,資源化之環保材料亦須積極拓展更大的去化市場,因此打破僵局之廢棄物處理新方向是必要且具有急迫性的。


This study reviewed the environmental impact assessment of a waste treatment plant’s development plan to, based on the individual perspectives and shared expectations of different sectors, discuss possible directions for the future development of Taiwan’s waste treatment outside the conventional framework. The aim is to provide suggestions that break the current impasse of the waste treatment industry in Taiwan. In 2021, Taiwan landfilled 980,000 tonnes of waste in total, with 6 million tonnes of industrial waste left uneliminated. Currently, public landfill sites have reached 90% of its full landfill capacity; for private ones, no waste treatment permit has been issued in the last 5 years due to public opposition. Such a lack of landfill facility hinders the development of the waste treatment industry. In its review of the environmental impact assessment of a waste treatment plant’s development plan, this study revealed a generally low public acceptance of the conventional type of landfill site. A deep distrust of and public opposition to this landfill site remained even though the site development plan complied with the law and highlighted the management and contamination control measures in place. For the discussion of the industry’s possible future development, this study drew on experiences of constructing waste landfill sites in places with environmental conditions similar to those of Taiwan and divided the discussion into three parts: reforming waste landfill sites, expanding the market for reusing ecofriendly materials, and establishing a reward system based on the idea of co-operation. Regarding the landfill site reform, such sites should be positioned as a place for temporary resource storage, with warehouse-type plant design and storage spaces elevated from the ground to prevent groundwater contamination. The expansion of the resource reuse market can be achieved by applying reusable materials produced through decontamination and recycling in land reclamation. Such an application facilitates control over the quality of land reclamation materials, allows for adjustment of material ratios as appropriate, and, due to existing demand for this type of material, overcomes the limited rate of waste elimination. For the rewarding system, financial rewards may be offered to public members in a proportion to the site’s profit, with the idea that those receiving the rewards are co-operators of the site. The mutually beneficial partnership built between the site and the reward recipients can enhance the public’s identification with the site. Until zero waste is achieved, waste beyond the treatment capacity must be handled appropriately. The waste elimination market also needs to be expanded for the recycled ecofriendly materials. New approaches are thus necessary and urgent to end such an impasse in the waste treatment industry.


landfill site warehouse reuse reward


黃惠婷、李宗霖,1995,從台電含多氯聯苯廢電容器談多氯聯苯, 工業污染防治刊物,56期,第127-128頁。
楊舜堯,2019,循環經濟與臺灣廢棄物法規之現況探討,台灣經濟研究月刊 (第42卷第6期),第120-127頁。
