  • 學位論文


A Study of Amphiphobic and Optical Properties of Polytetrafluoroethylene / Diamond-like Carbon Composite Thin Films

指導教授 : 林啟瑞 洪祖全


本研究使用以RF磁控共濺鍍法(Co-Sputtering),以自製的鑽石靶材和聚四氟乙烯為靶材,在 D263T 光學玻璃基板上沉積碳氟化合物複合薄膜(Fluorocarbon Films),藉由聚四氟乙烯之雙疏性與抗沾黏等特性,以及類鑽石之高硬度、高光穿透與低反射等特性,合成新式複合保護薄膜材料,使其具有疏水、疏油、高穿透及高硬度,並可製備作為功能性保護膜。此外,DLC 薄膜的高熱傳導性以及耐化學腐蝕性等特性,亦可作為保護手機面板與太陽能電池之應用,未來有機會應用於智慧型手機等觸控面板、太陽能電池、汽車擋風玻璃、大樓帷幕玻璃與外牆塗料等自我潔淨保護膜。研究結果顯示,未鍍膜之基板水滴與油滴接觸角分別為55.11°和36.8°,而共鍍聚四氟乙烯與類鑽石複合薄膜後之基板水滴與油滴接觸角分別為127.6°和108.4°,雙疏性效果提升了131.5~194.5 %,且其穿透率高達93 %。另外,使用旋轉塗佈法製備之聚四氟乙烯薄膜,經由真空退火1小時250℃,其水滴與油滴接觸角則分別為131.5°和106.7°,穿透率可達88%。最後,本研究成功的製備出雙疏性和高的光穿透性複合薄膜,此兩種製程方法簡單以及成本便宜,期望可應用於3C觸控面板與智慧型手機,進而減少指紋的沾附,期前景可觀。


In the study, fluorocarbon films were deposited on D263T optical glass substrate by RF unbalance magnetron co-sputtering technique. The source of fluorocarbon films are diamond target and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) target. Based on PTFE’s amphiphobic and anti-stiction, the diamond like carbon (DLC) has high hardness, high transmittance, and low refection. New type of composited protective films material has advantages like hydrophobic, oleophobic, high transmittance and high hardness. It forms a functional protective layer on the surface based on the properties of DLC film, such as high thermal conductivity and good chemical corrosion resistance. It provides great protection from touch panel or solar cell. In the future, it could also provide great opportunity in the application of of self-cleaning protective layer applications such as smart phone’s touch panel, solar cells, car windscreen, glass curtain and wall painting. The result show that uncoated substrate has contact angle by water and oil of 55.11° and 36.8°, respectively, coated with PTFE and DLC composite films’s contact angle by water and oil of 127.6° and 108.4°, respectively. The amphiphobic effect has increased 131.5~194.5%, and the transmittance can be up to 93%. Furthermore, PTFE films were made by spin-coating and annealing 1 hour in vacuum, with contact angle by water and oil of 131.5° and 106.7°, respectively, and the transmittance can up to 88%. Finally, this study successfully prepared of amphiphobic and high transmittance composite films. Meanwhile, these two processes provide the demands with low cost and simplify manufacturing, expecting to reduce fingerprint on 3C touch panel and smart phone. In view of this, the study has a promising prospect.


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