  • 學位論文


Dental Health and Medical glass fiber composite material used in the analysis of the superstructure of the implants

指導教授 : 洪景明


Metal Free是未來牙科材料應用的趨勢,沒有金屬的鑄造缺陷、不透光的黑影和潛在的過敏可能性,帶給患者質量輕盈和透光的美觀;由於人工植體沒有自然牙的牙周韌帶(PDL),因此,選擇可以分散緩衝咬合力的材料就相對重要, TRINIA是美國Bicon Implant公司出品,主成分為Fiber-reinforced composites 此類材料已經在1993.06.14 通過了CE的審查正式核准使用在醫療產品上,美國波音公司更是大量使用在787型飛機的主結構上,其優異的性質更為人所稱道,本計畫將使用玻璃纖維複合材、彩透二氧化鋯及純鈦金屬試片做機械性質分析,並利用有限元素分析進行模擬測試,分析植體植入的位置不同,以不同性質材料應用在人工植體的補綴物上對植體受力的影響。


Metal Free is the future trend of dental materials applications. No casting defects in the metal, shadows and potential allergy possibility opaque, bringing light and translucent appearance quality for patient. Because Implants no natural teeth periodontal ligament (PDL), so choose can spread cushioning material bite force is relatively important, TRINIA US Bicon Implant company produced, the main ingredient for Fiber-reinforced composites of these materials have been in 1993.06 .14 through a formal review of CE approved for use in medical products. Boeing is widely used in the main structure of 787 aircraft, and its excellent properties more praiseworthy. This program uses a glass fiber composite material, NEOSTAR zirconium dioxide and titanium metal analysis test strip do mechanical properties, and the use of finite element analysis simulation testing, analysis of different implant implantation position to the different nature of the material used in influence on artificial prosthesis explants on explant the force.


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