  • 學位論文


A Predication Model for Cerebrovascular atherosclerosis using Artificial Neural Networks

指導教授 : 徐榮隆


腦血管疾病(簡稱腦中風)一直為台灣的主要死因,因為腦中風的治療與照顧的進步,腦中風的致死率逐漸下降,自1981年的死因首位降至2004年的第三位,但因台灣社會人口的快速老化、腦中風的年齡層發生率變化不大,使得腦中風的患者並未減少,腦中風將仍是台灣中、老年人的最重要的身心障礙原因。 頸動脈狹窄是導致梗塞性腦中風發生的重要致病機轉,而頸動脈狹窄多是因動脈粥狀硬化所引起,頸動脈狹窄引起腦梗塞部分是因為嚴重狹窄導致腦血流不足,或是因為動脈硬化斑破裂產生的栓子阻塞遠端腦血管。 本研究以台北市某教學醫院之健檢資料為母體,抽取806位個案數,使用與腦血管動脈粥狀硬化相關的變數,比較類神經網路及邏輯斯迴歸兩種模式的預測績效,建構最佳預測模型。 研究結果發現,類神經網路模型有比邏輯迴歸模型有更好的識別能力。本研究六十項變數的類神經網路預測模型為最佳模型,以確認組測試類神經網路模型的曲線下方面積(AUC =0.791)與邏輯迴歸模式曲線下面積(AUC =0.706),在預測腦血管動脈粥狀硬化上,有達到顯著差異(p = 0.004)。主要影響因子為性別、收縮壓、高密度脂蛋白、低密度脂蛋白、高低比值、未接受治療之血壓值、個人疾病史-心臟疾病。


Cerebrovascular disease has been the main cause of death in Taiwan, Stroke treatment and care because of progress, decline in stroke mortality, the first since the death in 1981, fell to third place in 2004, but Taiwan society rapidly aging population, the incidence of stroke in the age group changed little, so did not reduce stroke in patients with cerebrovascular disease will continue to be in Taiwan, the elderly, the most important cause of disability. Carotid stenosis is caused infarction occurred in the important stroke pathogenesis, and carotid artery stenosis is the result of many caused by atherosclerosis, carotid artery stenosis caused by cerebral infarction in part because of severe stenosis led to insufficient cerebral blood flow, or generated because of atherosclerotic plaque rupture in the distal embolic cerebral vascular obstruction. In this study, a medical center in Taipei health check information for the parent, taking the number of 806 cases, the use and cerebrovascular atherosclerosis-related variables, compare neural network and logistic regression forecasting performance of two models to construct best prediction model. In this study, 60 variables, validation set to test neural network model under the curve area (AUC = 0.791) and logistic regression model area under the curve (AUC = 0.706), in predicting cerebrovascular atherosclerosis, there is a significant difference to (p = 0.004). Main factors as gender, systolic blood pressure, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, high and low ratio, blood pressure did not receive therapy, personal history of illness - heart disease.


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