  • 學位論文


Development of Body Weight Recording System: A Case of Wii Balance Board

指導教授 : 劉建財
共同指導教授 : 楊騰芳(Ten-Fang Yang)


本研究目的為以Wii平衡板做為體重量測工具,結合智慧型行動裝置記錄所量測的體重資訊,並傳送到後端自我健康之體重記錄管理平台主機上,以方便民眾,「天天記錄體重」的習慣。本研究以Android App應用程式開發藍芽連線收發模組和介面,經藍芽訊號解析轉換處理後,將所得體重數據,以網路服務方式,透過網際網路傳送到雲端服務平台主機上貯存和處理,實作一個包括從Wii平衡板感知體重量測數據並傳送至智慧型Android平板電腦處理,以辨別正確的體重數據,然後再上傳到後端的體重記錄管理平台,進一步以視覺化呈現體重數據。 實作完成之系統驗證,針對App應用程式量測體重數據之準確性來做比較,以市面上販售之歐瑟若體重計當做為量測比較基準,分別以5Kg做為級距,範圍為5Kg ~100Kg,進行測得實際重量之物體,當做砝碼來使用;將本研究所開發之【App應用程式】與【歐瑟若體重計】進行量測比較實驗,測得平均誤差值約為-0.3公斤。另外,針對體重量測記錄方法做實驗比較,得出比較結果使用「Wii平衡板與App應用程式記錄」,適合個人使用,畫面操作較少數,有體重趨勢分析之折線圖可檢視減重成效,所耗費的時間也少。 最後,本研究之成果與研究目的所設想一樣,讓原本只能拿來玩Wii遊戲主機的Wii平衡板,也可用來當體重計使用,提供民眾另一種方便的選擇,系統實作完成進行驗證測試,確實能達到當初預期結果。另外,同時也能有效資訊,方便家庭醫師、營養師或健康管理師於最短時間內,取得有用的體重記錄資訊作為體重管理與控制之參考依據。


體重記錄 藍芽 Wii平衡板 Android


This study aims to make use of a Wii Balance Board as a body weight measurement tool, which transfers weight information to the smart mobile device after measuring weights and then sends it to the back-end host platform of self-health management, to help people maintain the good habit of “recording your weight every day.” In this study, Android App is utilized to develop the Bluetooth transceiver module and interface, by which the weight data will be Decoded and converted by Bluetooth signals and then sent to the host clouding service platform in Web service mode, through the Internet, for storage and handling. Furthermore, this study implements the sensors of a Wii Balance Board to measure the body weight and then sends the data to the smart Android tablet computer for processing, which identifies the correct weight data and then uploads it to the back-end management platform of the weight recording, visualizing the weight data. As for the system verification, after completing the implementation of the Wii Balance Board as the measurement tool, accuracy of data of the application program App is compared with that of the weight scale Oserio on the market. 5 kg is set to be the first goal of measurement, and another 5 kg is added to be the next goal of measurement until the final goal reaches 100 kg. The result of comparison is that the magnitude of error is about -0.3 kg. In addition, in the recording method of measured body weight, after comparison, "Wii Balance Board and App Application program recording" is fit for personal use because it has fewer operation frames, the analysis graph of weight trend, and requires less time taken. Consequently, the result of this study meets its initial intention-this study proves that the Wii Balance Board is now not only for game but also for measuring scale. In addition, this study makes good use of information, helping the family doctor, nutritionist or health information manager to obtain useful weight data in the shortest time as a reference for weight management and control.


Weight Recording Bluetooth Wii Balance Board Android


李冠緯(2011) 。Wii Fit 持續使用意願之探討:期望確認理論之應用,朝陽科技大學休閒事業管理系碩士論文。
Paul Flanagan(2010).Smart Soles Posture Analysis UsingWireless Sensors. A dissertation submitted to the University of Dublin. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science.
