  • 學位論文


Using the Wii Balance Board as a Starry Sky Teaching Aids of Constellations

指導教授 : 許永洲


Wii平衡板是利用壓力條來感應重心位置變化,此方法不需手動及接觸操作設備,應用在遊戲、導覽及輔助教具均深具潛力。現在的國小觀星教學大多是課堂講解,再要求學生課後演練,即晚間自行利用紙製星座盤,藉著旋轉紙盤方式,來尋找星座與月亮並製作紀錄。在教學實務上,實在需要一個方便的教學輔具。 本研究將開發的觀星教學輔具,使用者站立平衡板上以重心位置變化來操作虛擬星空中要觀看的方向,除可更加直覺化,更能加深孩童在觀星活動中對方位與仰角的認識。此一教具以wii平衡板作為一個主要控制介面,提供使用者利用wii平衡板操作虛擬星空中的移動視角、仰角等功能。本研究以反覆式開發流程的漸增模式完成研究雛型實作,分階段使用者參與方式進行(1)動作編碼設計測試、(2)教材內容運用測試及(3)重心及參數調校測試與教師介面設計,且在教學輔助面,特設配合課程任務內容,讓學童可以學習教材知識與完成指定任務。本研究計收集三階段共計75位學童之1195筆操作紀錄,及與授課老師訪談資料,據以彙整結論。


Wii balanced board catch center-of-gravity position by using pressure sensors. It can operate the device without manual and contact. It will have a deep potentiality at game, guide and auxiliary teaching aid. Now starry sky teaching is just explain in class at school, and require students practice astrolabe after class at night. Students have to rotate plate to find the constellations and moon. It really needs a convenient device to starry sky teaching. This research develops a starry sky teaching aids, user stands on balanced board and change his (her) center-of-gravity position to control the view of starry sky. It can be more intuitive to astrolabe, and deepen the learning of direction and angle of elevation. This aids use Wii balanced board to be the main control Interface, it provides such as move the view of starry sky and change angle of elevation to user in starry sky. This research designs action coding with user participation. At teaching aids of view, it follows the curriculum, lets students learning course and enables to complete mission. This research finishes prototype of system by iterative development process, and have a conclusion by analyzing user's behavior of operating and interview of teacher.


Gerwin de Haan(2008)。Using the Wii Balance Board as a Low-Cost VR Interaction Device。Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology
台灣任天堂網站, Wii Fit繁體中文版官方網站(2008), 2009年11月19日取自http://www.nintendo.tw/wiifit.htm
地平座標系統。AEEA 天文教育資訊網。2010年6月18日取自http://aeea.nmns.edu.tw/2001/0109/ap010909.html


