  • 學位論文


The Recognition of Dental Profession Among Students of Schools of Dental Hygiene in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡恒惠


前言: 台灣口腔衛生學系創立的目的在培育口腔衛生相關專業研究人才,致力於口腔健康促進與衛生教育的宣導、並將口腔衛生理念由個人日常生活習慣推展至家庭、社區及整個國家。由於台灣口腔衛生學系之創系歷史不長,迄今較少有對就讀口腔衛生學系學生的自我認知度調查與相關研究。本研究目的為了解口腔衛生學系學生的自我定位與對於牙科專業工作的認知度、生涯規劃及對所就讀學校之口腔衛生學系之滿意度調查,所得結果可以作為未來修訂教育政策與課程規劃的參考資訊。 材料與方法: 本調查係採流行病學橫斷面研究設計調查法(cross-sectional study),本研究之母群體為民國101年入學之台灣三所設有大學部口衛系之全體學生為(N=213),研究工具採自填、結構式問卷,問卷內容包括:基本人口學變相、選擇口腔衛生學系相關因子、對牙科職場認知度、對口腔衛生學系的滿意度及未來生涯規畫等等。調查時間為民國101年10月至12月。所有數據以SPSS14.0軟體為統計工具,統計方法包括:頻率分析、卡方檢定、迴歸分析等。 結果: 本調查回收有效問卷197份,回收率達92.4%(197/213),各校口衛系學生之分布,在就讀高中之屬性(公、私立)與入學管道兩項,俱有統計學上之顯著差異(P<0.05);認識口衛系之管道多來自於網路資訊。對於牙體技術師工作內容之認知度,北醫高於中國醫與高醫,三年級高於二年級,且俱有統計學上之顯著差異(P<0.05);對學校安排課程之滿意度,三年級呈現顯著之負面態度(P<0.05)。對未來期望職場工作領域以臨床牙科專業工作為主要首選,身障機構的意願最低。參與口腔衛生教育推廣意願,以北醫及高醫的一年級學生意願顯著較高。未來生涯規劃最擔憂項目依序為:證照制度、工作保障及薪資待遇。 結論與建議: 口腔衛生學系為台灣新興之學系,過去以口衛系學生為樣本之相關調查,多屬知識、態度及行為之調查且調查樣本多侷限於單一學校。本調查之問卷回收率達92.4%(197/213),此調查樣本應俱有足夠之代表性。針對台灣口腔衛生學系學生對牙科專業工作之整體認知度分析,結果顯示牙科職場認知度與對學系之滿意度呈現顯著相關,對學系的滿意度越高者,個人在職場認知度也越呈現明顯之方向。建議,可以經由加強學生對學系的滿意度,進而提高學生對未來牙科職場之認知度著手。由於大多數的學生畢業後都希望朝向臨床牙科專業工作之領域,建議未來學校在規畫課程時,更加重臨床牙科輔助工作技能之課程比例。


Introduction The school of dental hygiene was founded for the purpose to promote oral health and general health of all the people in Taiwan. There are few investigations about the recognition of students of school of dental hygiene for the relative short history of their establishments. The purposes of this study are to explore the recognition of dental profession, career planning in the future and satisfaction of their school among students of school of dental hygiene in Taiwan. Material and Methods This was a cross-sectional study from October to December in 2012. The study population was all the students of 1st- , 2nd- , and 3rd-year of the three schools of dental hygiene. A self-administered, structured questionnaire was applied as the study tool, which included basic demographic data, the relative factors of choosing school of dental hygiene, the recognition of dental profession, satisfaction level with their schools, and future career planning. The statistic software was SPSS14.0 and the statistical methods included of frequency analysis, the chi-square test, ANOVA and regression etc.. Differences were considered significant when p<0.05. Results One hundred and ninety seven effective questionnaires were collected and it revealed a 92.4% (197/213) response rate. The ways of entering into school and the types of high school graduated revealed statistically significant difference among those respondents . Most of them knew something about school of dental hygiene from internet information. The understanding of the job contents of a dental laboratory technician among students from Taipei Medical University were significantly higher than those from Kaohsiung Medical University, and the 3rd- year students were significantly higher than the 2nd-year students. All the3rd-year students showed significantly negative satisfaction with the curriculum of their schools. The first choice of their future working field was clinical dentistry and the last one was institution for people with disabilities. The 1st-year students from Taipei Medical University showed significantly stronger aspiration of participating oral health promoting activities than the others. The most worried conditions in future career planning were in order of licensure, job guarantee, and salary. Discussions and Suggestions Most of the researches among students of the school of dental hygiene in Taiwan were focused on their knowledge, attitude and behavior based on a single school. The sample of this study were all the 1st , 2nd and 3rd-year students from all the three schools of dental hygiene, and the response rate was 92.4% (197/213). The results were able to make generalizations about the whole population for this representative sample. From this study, the recognition of dental profession showed significantly associated with the level of satisfaction with their schools positively. In order to raise the recognition of dental profession, improve the level of satisfaction with their schools would be the best way. On account of most of the students hoped to enter the clinical dental field after their graduations, increase the curricula of clinical technique for dental auxiliaries is highly recommended.


Dental Hygiene Dental Profession Recognition


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