  • 學位論文


The Risk of Withdrawal from Labor Force in Patients with Schizophrenia

指導教授 : 湯澡薰


研究背景: 隨著時代的發展,瞬息萬變的世界造就了許多的文明病,其中精神相關疾病一直是許多已開發國家或開發中國家關切的焦點。以往研究的焦點大多為精神疾病的發生率、盛行率、相關危險因子及治療方面,然而越來越多的文獻係針對精神疾病與生產力損失(包括工作時數及所得等)及患者社經狀況的關聯性。 值得關注的是,精神疾病造成的影響不僅只是醫療費用上的支出,更是社會沉重的負擔。而WHO早在1996年便發表聲明:憂鬱症會帶給社會極大的生產力損失,甚至警告「2020年其將會成為身心障礙的主因」。此外,精神分裂症除帶給患者本身莫大痛苦及生產力損失外,也造成主要照顧者長期照護的時間成本與心理負擔等高社會成本,因此許多國家已將精神分裂症視為重要的公共衛生問題。故瞭解精神疾病對社會帶來的衝擊是相當重要的議題,政府相關單位或是政策制定者應有所警覺,及早因應。 研究目的: 本研究係探討罹患精神分裂症與否之受薪階級勞動人口,其由受薪階級轉為非受薪階級的風險,並以「全民健康保險研究資料庫」為研究資料來源。具體而言,本研究之研究目的為: 一、 使用大型資料庫,分析精神分裂症對生產力損失等經濟議題之影響。 二、 了解罹患精神分裂症對於適勞動年齡之受薪階級轉為非受薪階級的風險 研究方法: 本研究利用全民健保資料庫之精神疾病住院病患歸人檔(PIMC)及承保抽樣歸人檔(LHID)等次級資料,針對精神分裂症患者,採用存活分析以進行相關之分析,以瞭解精神分裂症對受薪狀態轉換風險之影響。 研究結果: 共計7,980位研究對象,設限資料共有4,721筆,佔59%。實驗組(有精神分裂症)有1,596人,有431筆設限資料(27.01%);對照組(無精神疾病)則有6,384人,有4,290筆設限資料(67.20%)。在所有研究對象中,平均存活時間1,108.83天,標準差為672.06天,最大值為2,186天,中位數為1,169天。其中實驗組平均存活時間699.53天,標準差為633.81天,最大值為2,186天,中位數為418天;對照組平均存活時間1,211.16天,標準差為641.76天,最大值為2,186天,中位數為1,286天。此外,患有精神分裂症患者其遭遇由受薪階級轉為非受薪階級的風險是沒有精神相關疾病者的2.515倍(95% CI:2.334 - 2.710)。 結論: 研究結果顯示,罹患精神分裂症會增加適勞動年齡人口由受薪階級轉非受薪階級的風險,進而造成生產力損失。因此,相關單位應注意精神相關疾病對適勞動年齡人口所帶來的影響。


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to estimate the withdrawal rate from the labor market among patients with schizophrenia in Taiwan. METHODS: The data source was the Psychiatric Inpatients Medical Claims Data (PIMC) from the National Health Research Institute (NHRI), Taiwan. The PIMC compiled all the health records during 1996-2002 for patients who had at least one psychiatric hospitalization during 1996-2001. The inclusion criteria were patients who: 1) had their initial psychiatric health record within 1998 to 2001; 2) had primary or secondary ICD-9-CM diagnosis of schizophrenia; 3) were under employment; and 4) were aged between 18 and 65. The final sample available for the analyses was 7,980 (1,596 for schizophrenia; 6,384 for control group). An index date was created by subtracting 365 days from the date of initial health record for examining the impact of the disease on withdrawal pre and post of disease onset. To identify all withdrawal events, each case was tracked from the index date until December 31, 2002 or death, whichever came first. All cases without events were censored on December 31, 2002. Kaplan-Meier method and Cox Proportional Hazard Model were used to estimate cumulated employment rates and the risk of withdrawal from the labor force. RESULTS: For patients with schizophrenia, withdrawal rate of 25% was found during one year before the disease onset. During one year before and one after the disease onset, the withdrawal rate increased to 56%. During one year before and four year after the disease onset, the rate raised to 78%. Similar patterns were observed for patients with bipolar/depression, with the corresponding rate equaling 25%, 56%, and 75%. Median employment time (95% CI) was 423.0 days (397.0, 460.0) for patients with schizophrenia. Moreover, patients with schizophrenia have higher risks of withdrawal from labor force than those without mental illness (HR: 2.515, 95% CI:2.334 - 2.710, p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Schizophrenia was showed to have adverse impacts on labor participation.




曾姵馨(2015)。思覺失調症患者增加罹患失智症 風險及失智症影響因素之探討〔碩士論文,中山醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6834/CSMU.2015.00063
