  • 學位論文


The Appraisal of Core Competency of New Pharmacist under the Postgradguate Year Training Program

指導教授 : 邱瓊萱


隨著醫藥分業的推動,藥事人員的專業性逐漸增加,為確保藥事人員的能力和素質,其畢業之後的訓練重要性也提升。學員的執業能力好壞判斷基準在於藥師核心能力的建立。由於各種評估方法均有其優缺點,並無完美的單一評估方法可以概全,因此本研究使用360度評估,從不同角度看到新進藥師的PGY訓練成效。本研究之研究目的有以下三項,首先,建立藥師核心職能的評量工具。再者,探討人口學變項(性別、畢業學校、醫院別、留任意願)與訓練成效相關性。最後,探討不同階段的PGY學員經過PGY計畫訓練後的成效差異。 本研究使用三種問卷,分別從學員、老師、同儕三個面向來探討新進藥師學員的核心能力。本研究收集美國、加拿大、日本三個國家的藥師核心能力,整理彙總之後,發展成本問卷藥師的核心能力。 樣本在三家個案醫院收集,共有64為新進藥師,發出300份問卷,最後回收300份,回收率為100%。本研究使用描述性分析、t檢定、one-way ANOVA,針對回收資料做出統計分析。 本研究結果有以下兩點,藥師在不同的訓練階段會表現出不一樣的學習成效,訓練越久分數越高。人口學變項對於核心能力並不會造成顯著差異。並針對研究結果,提出以下幾點建議,建議個案醫院的臨床老師可以多留一些時間關心PGY學員,當下解決學員的問題,可以提升學員對工作的信心。在PGY訓練課程可以加入關於健康促進、疾病篩檢等等相關課程。最後,建議後續研究者可以發展質性訪談來探討藥師核心能力的狀況,可以得到更多資訊,並更瞭解實情。


Post-graduate year training program of paramedical staff was introduced in the year of 2006. Like the training program of physicians, the one of pharmacist is aimed to enhance their core competency and ultimately enhance the quality of care for all patients. Anyhow, measurement itself still lacks of common-used and single instrument to determine the core-competency of pharmacist. Therefore, this study is to devise the instrument to measure the core competency and to adapt 360 degree evaluation to determine the effect of PGY program. This study utilizes three instruments from trainees, instructors and coworkers to determine the students’ core competency. Trainees’ instrument is modified from Medical Professionalism Questionnaire, and listed as the self-reported evaluation. Instructors’ instrument is devised based on the defined core competency required by the major pharmacist associations from USA, Canada, and Japan, and developed the short evaluation form like mini-CEX. Coworkers’ instrument is adapted from the Multi-source Questions developed by Foundation in UK. This study summarizes the evaluation report from three sources, and reveals the subjective evaluation as the consequence. Data was collected in three major hospitals. We included 64 trainees, 300 questionnaires collected in total. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The results show that the progress moving from stages is evident. Even though self-reported evaluation is lower than the other source evaluation, instructors and coworkers could reveal the genuine core competency and how trainees perform their daily life.. We also suggest that, firstly, the instructors could provide feedback and play mentorship role to their supervised trainees; secondly, we suggest PGY program could provide related courses such as health promotion, and participation in disease screening.


