  • 學位論文


Effects of essence of chicken on milk secretion and protein compositions in blood and milk of lactating women

指導教授 : 趙振瑞


本研究目的探討懷孕第37週至產後三天補充雞精對哺乳婦女泌乳量及血液與乳汁蛋白組成的影響。於臺北醫學大學附設醫院婦產科門診篩選健康產婦共30位。依其接受雞精意願分為控制組(n=15)和雞精組(n=15)。實驗期間,雞精組受試者毎天分別於早、中及晚餐後30分鐘內飲用一瓶雞精(70 mL/瓶),毎日3瓶,且不定時以電話追蹤飲用情形。控制組於研究進行期間,則限制其高蛋白補充品攝取。所有受試者均維持平日正常飲食,於懷孕第37週和產後三天分別記錄三天飲食攝取,並記錄母親和嬰兒的基本資料。收集懷孕第37週和產後三天之血液作蛋白質含量分析,並測量產後三天平均泌乳量與收集乳汁(初乳)作蛋白質含量分析。本研究結果顯示母親年齡、孕期增加體重及懷孕週數無統計差異。雞精組第一胎比率顯著高於控制組。控制組與雞精組男、女嬰比分別為9:6和6:9。兩組嬰兒出生身長、體重及頭圍無統計差異。飲食分析結果顯示第37週時,控制組除蛋白質、總脂質、飽和與不飽和脂肪酸及菸鹼素顯著低於雞精組外,熱量和其他營養素攝取量兩組無差異。產後三天飲食攝取顯示控制組總脂質、飽和與不飽和脂肪酸顯著高於雞精組,但蛋白質和菸鹼素顯著低於雞精組。母親產後三天血漿總蛋白質含量雞精組顯著低於控制組14%。雞精組產後三天血漿上皮生長因子含量顯著高於懷孕第37週248%。雞精組產後平均泌乳量顯著低於控制組。乳汁蛋白組成分析結果顯示,雞精組乳汁乳鐵蛋白、變形生長因子-β2及上皮生長因子顯著較控制組高34%、229%及62%。總而言之,每日三瓶雞精的補充可增加懷孕第37週和產後三天飲食蛋白質和菸鹼素攝取,並可有效提升產後血漿上皮生長因子,和乳汁蛋白中乳鐵蛋白、變形生長因子-β2及上皮生長因子含量。


This study was to investigate the supplementation effect of Essence of Chicken on milk secretion and protein composition in blood and milk in the pregnant women during the 37th week pregnancy and 3-day post-parturition. Thirty pregnant healthy women were screened from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Taipei Medical University Hospital. Subjects were divided according to their willing into the control (n = 15) or Essence of Chicken (EC) group (n = 15). During the experimental period, the EC group was given one bottle (70 mL/bottle) of Essence of Chicken three times a day within 30 min after each meal. High protein supplementation was restricted in the control group. All subjects were allowed to maintain their regular diet. Three-day dietary intake of all subjects and basic information for the mothers and infants were recorded during the 37th week pregnancy and 3-day post-parturition, respectively. Blood samples were collected during the 37th week pregnancy and 3-day post-parturition for protein analyses, and milk was collected during 3-day post-parturition for the mean of milk secretion and protein analyses in the colostrum. The results showed that the age, weight gain during the pregnancy, and duration of the pregnancy for the mothers did not significantly differ. The EC group had significantly more first pregnancy than the control group. The ratio for males and females of the infants were 9:6 and 6:9 in the control and EC groups, respectively. The length, weight, and head circumference in birth did not significantly differ between the two groups. The data for dietary intake showed that protein, total fat, saturated (SFA) and unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), and niacin was significantly lower in the control group compared with the EC group during the 37th week pregnancy. Energy and other nutrient intake did not differ between the two groups. During 3-day post-parturition, the control group had significantly higher total fat, SFA, and UFA intake compared with the EC group. However, protein and niacin intake was significantly less in the control group than in the EC group. Total protein in mother’s blood was significantly lower by 14% in the EC group compared with the control group during 3-day post-parturition. Plasma epidermal growth factor (EGF) levels significantly elevated by 248% during 3-day post-parturition compared with those during the 37th week pregnancy in the EC group. The mean of milk secretion was significantly lower in the EC group compared with the control group during 3-day post-parturition. The levels of lactoferrin, transforming growth factor-?2 (TGF-?2), and EGF significantly increased by 34%, 229%, and 62%, respectively, in the EC group compared with the control group. In conclusion, supplement with Essence of Chicken three bottles a day increases protein and niacin intake during the 37th week pregnancy and 3-day post-parturition, and effectively elevates plasma EGF concentration and the levels of lactoferrin, TGF-?2, and EGF in milk after parturition.


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