  • 學位論文


A Study of Emergency Medicine System Based on

指導教授 : 劉立


論 文 摘 要 論文名稱:以訊息平台與行動通訊為基礎之緊急醫療資訊系統 臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所 研究生姓名:洪培修 畢業時間:91 學年度 第 2 學期 指導教授:劉 立 臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所 副教授 本研究目的是以訊息服務(Message Service)平台與行動通訊為基礎,來提供各項即時的衛生醫療資訊服務,藉由所規劃的架構藍圖及各種無線(Wireless)媒體傳輸的特性,將目前可供應用的資訊存取途徑整合在一起,使衛生醫療資源資訊個人化、透明化並受到妥善的規劃及運用。藉由不同平台的透通性及網際網路分散式的作業模式,簡化緊急醫療資訊系統通報作業流程、並將數據資料即時傳送到資料庫。不僅整合了各縣市衛生局、消防救災單位、醫療機構之間的資料,更使得資料準確性大幅提高,資訊的交換及使用率也向上提昇;相對的,各單位資料登入及維護的成本將會逐漸降低。對不同單位的使用者更可依其業務性質,提供個人化的醫療資訊服務。同時,本研究運用非同步的訊息處理機制,可確保原單位系統開發的投資成本,所有異質網路能夠分享相同資源,達到資訊即時化目標。 關鍵字:緊急醫療、運輸醫療、行動通訊、訊息服務、衛星導航。


ABSTRACT Title of Thesis:A Study of Emergency Medicine System Based on Message Service and Mobile Communication Author:Benson Hung Thesis advised by:Liu, Li Taipei Medical University, Graduate Institute of Medical Informatics This research is based on mobile communication, which will bring all medical information instantly into your hand through carefully built structure and different types of wireless connection. Which can integrate all access information together so it can personalize healthcare information and bring to public the most organized information. It uses different platform and international network to operate. Simplicity emergency Medical information and instantly sends information and date. Integrates all counties Health Center, Ambulances Stations, and Medical Centers information. Brings true reliability to the information, which will incline the usage; Mean While it will lower the cost of all departments. The user can choose the information they need. At the same time, this research prevents real time information from synchronizing and made compatible with different Internet connections. Keyword:Emergency Medicine Systems, Medical on Transportation, Mobile Communication, Message Service, Satellite Navigation.


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