  • 學位論文


A Study on the Occupational Accident Reporting System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 韓柏稱 蘇德勝


職業災害的發生,對國家社會、企業雇主及勞工均會造成重大的影響,除造成勞工本身傷殘及家庭的負擔外,亦會降低雇主商譽及生產力,進而使國家整體人力、物力等生產要素遭受損失,降低經濟成長力,因此善用職業災害統計可作為勞工預防職業災害政策制定的重要指標及降低事故發生所造成的成本損害。 本研究對職業災害統計制度進行調查分析。問卷方面分為專家問卷及結構式問卷,探討國內職業災害月報表之良窳。問卷結果顯示,在職業災害月報表甲表的部分,對於內容是否要簡化方面:環安人員與專家看法有顯著差異(p<0.05),但兩者均認為應簡化雇用童工人數的填報(環安人員27.1%,專家41.9%)。在職業災害統計月報表填報頻率部分,對於內容方面:環安人員、雇主與專家看法有顯著差異(p<0.05),環安人員和雇主認為1個月填報1次(46.6%,51.4%);專家則認為3個月填報1次(25.8%)。對於公司員工須達幾人以上才需填寫職業災害統計月報表方面:三者看法有所顯著差異(p<0.05),專家認為10人以上(32.3%),依序是環安人員認為30人以上(30.5%);雇主認為100-299人以上(27%)。職業災害統計資料保存年限方面:三者看法有顯著差異(p<0.05),環安人員和雇主均認為5年(51.7%,55.9%);專家認為應保存10年(35.5%)。關於職業災害統計月報表之陳報方式何者較方便方面:三者看法一致皆認為由網路陳報最方便(77.1%,74.8%,90.3%,p>0.05)。 研究建議簡化目前所採用之甲、乙表,並輔導事業單位做自主管理,政府加強監督即可;欲窺知事業單位職業災害之嚴重程度及發展趨勢,可採用抽樣調查分析方式加以推估。


The occurrence of the occupational accidents has the significant influence on the overall national manpower, resources and reduced the economical growth. Therefore, the study of using good statistical data as performance measure of the occurrence is very important. The occupational accidents reporting system was discussed based on designed questionnaires, which were divided into an expertise questionnaire, and a structural questionnaire. The questionnaire result shows that there are significant difference (p < 0.05) between safety and health professional and experts for simplifying a hiring child worker in the Part A of monthly report forms of the occupational accident. There are significant difference (p < 0.05) among safety and health professional, employer and experts for monthly declaration frequency of the occupational accidents. 46.6% of safety and health professional and 51.4% of employer think that the form is declared monthly, but 25.8% of experts think that the form is declared quarterly. There are significant difference (p < 0.05) among safety and health professional, employer and experts for a threshold of the employee number declaring a monthly report of the occupational accidents. 32.3% of experts think the threshold of 10, 30.5% of safety and health professional think the threshold of 30, and 27% of employer think the threshold of 100-299. There are significant difference (p < 0.05) among safety and health professional, employer and experts for the expired date of the occupational accidents report. 51.7% of safety and health professional and 55.9% of employers think 5 years, but 35.5% of experts think 10 years. 77.1% of safety and health professional, 74.8% of employers and 90.3% of experts agree with declaring a convenience approach by using network. Using the statistical data of the occupational accidents helps to efficiently manage the safety and health working condition and to propose proper strategies, and reduces the cost of the accident occurred. The current accident the reporting system in Taiwan, necessary to make some important.


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