  • 學位論文


The Immunomodulatory Effects of Anoectochilus formosanus Extract on L5178Y Lymphoma Cell

指導教授 : 劉正民 博士


金線連屬於蘭科(Orchidaceae)金線連屬(Anoectochilus)。為天然生物產物,民間有人用來治療腫瘤病患,它通常可能直接作用於腫瘤細胞,也可能是藉由增強患者的免疫系統來抑制或消滅腫瘤細胞。初步實驗顯示金線連萃取物對DBA/2小鼠的T型淋巴腫瘤細胞(L5178Y T lymphoma cell)並無直接的腫瘤毒殺性,然而是否可經由活化免疫細胞而達到抑制腫瘤的效果,可經由本實驗以已建立之腫瘤冬眠期之動物模式來探討其作用,此一模式包含in vivo model及in vitro model。在in vitro model中,以腫瘤冬眠期小鼠腹腔沖洗液中之免疫細胞及腫瘤細胞混合加上金線連之處理,以探討其免疫的抗癌機制,本實驗結果顯示金線連對於抑制腫瘤細胞的生長有良好的效果。而在in vivo model中利用腫瘤冬眠期小鼠持續給予金線連,也發現其對於延長腫瘤冬眠期有若干的效果,並且可以延長腫瘤復發後之老鼠的生存期限。而在分析金線連對於體內免疫細胞的subpopulation的影響變化方面,也證實其對於免疫細胞如B lymphocytes、T lymphocytes也有某些程度的活化效果。並顯示金線連主要以促進NK cells的活化進而消滅腫瘤細胞,來達到抗癌的效果。而在此所用之腫瘤冬眠期小鼠in vivo及in vitro實驗模式,也可以用在未來篩檢不同的中草藥,作為探討生物反應修飾劑(Biologic response modifiers,BRMs)抗腫瘤效果及其免疫機制的良好研究模式。


Anoectochillus formosanus belongs to the family of Orchidaceae and genus of Anoectochillus. This herb is growing in shady forest area of high altitude mountain in Taiwan. It is a traditional herb medicine and has been used for improving health status and enhancing body immunity. The monosaccharides and disaccharides were extracted and prepared from the plant and to form a soluble dietary fiber (SDF). SDF was the subject compound for testing its anti-tumor effect. In this study, a unique animal model, L5178Y lymphoma tumor dormant mice, was used to evaluate its anti-tumor effect . The in vitro study was performed by collecting peritoneal cells (PC) from the partial peritoneal larvage. Then, the PCs were treated with the SDF with different doses in culture medium. When SDF added into PCs and L5178Y lymphoma cells co-cultured wells, the growth of tumor cells was suppressed dramatically at dose of 30.5 μg/ml. SDF has no effect if the culture without PCs. It may imply that the anti-tumor effect of SDF is mediated by PCs. From the results of flow cytometric analyses showed that the SDF is mainly inducing nature killer cells (NK cells) proliferation. The tumor cells were eliminated by these spontaneous tumor killing NK cells. The in vivo study showed that SDF may prolong the survival days after mouse implanted with viable tumor cells. The anti-tumor effect of SDF on the in vivo experiment was not as obvious as on the in vitro experiment. This may be due to non-optimized treatment regimen. Nevertheless, the extract of Anoectochillus formosanus may enhance NK cells proliferation to eliminate tumor cells and improving body immunity.


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