  • 學位論文


Investigation on the Weight Control by Web-program Communication-- Evaluation of the Case Responses

指導教授 : 洪清霖 蘇千田


由於電子科技的發展,近年出現許多利用網際網路作為保健介入的相關媒介研究。台北市立萬芳醫院與台北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所於2004年8月合作試辦了一期「網路減重班」,課程內容主要包含視訊課程及健康記錄兩大部分。本研究欲瞭解此網路減重班參與者參加減重課程的感受、他們如何看待網路減重作業、網路減重班哪一部份的課程是對減重有用的及實際在推行時所遇到的問題。 本研究使用質性研究法,以深度訪談作為主要的資料收集方式,訪談了該網路減重班的所有參與者,共10位,訪談內容經過轉譯、編碼之後,使用類屬分析的方式(categorization)進行結果的歸類、整理。 研究結果顯示:一、在視訊課程觀感的部分:(一)個案對於營養課的觀感多為正向,所碰到的障礙為軟體操作的不熟悉和使用媒介交談所引起的一些溝通問題。(二)個案對於運動課程的觀感以負向的反應居多,主要為網路傳輸速度及硬體運轉所引起的問題。(三)個案對於補課的意願低落,主因是常碰到補課畫面有狀況,再加上回到家覺得不想動,所以就有不去補課的狀況產生。二、在健康記錄觀感的部分:(一)飲食記錄可以讓個案檢視自己的飲食內容,產生抑制過度進食的作用;在記錄時,個案會碰到一些食物項目登記上的困難,這讓他們使用飲食記錄的意願降低。(二)運動記錄可以幫助個案建立具體的熱量消耗概念、增加他們的運動頻率。(三)體重記錄可以讓個案檢視自己的體重變化情形。(四)聯絡簿對於個案而言有督促的作用、對他們的減重行為具有約束力,個案也表示有專業人員可以諮商讓他們增加減重的信心。


Nowadays, due to the thriving of information-technology, there were the Internet intervention for many researches in the field of health promotion, the Taipei Municipal WanFang Hospital cooperated with the Graduate Institute of Medical Informatics, Taipei Medical University to hold the weight control via a web-program, which are mainly introduced with a video streaming course and health records. This paper was trying to understanding the feelings and impressions of participators on the web-program, and to find out some in the practice of the web-program problems. A qualitative analysis was applied on this research. The main method of data collection was in-depth interviewing with all participators. After that, the interviewing results were analyzed by transcript, processing, coding, and finally categorization. The following points were found from this study: A. The impressions on video streaming courses: Most patients were giving positive reaction on the nutrition courses, but negative on the exercise and the make up of missing courses. The make up courses was often confronted by the insufficiency of internet operation, and the laziness of patients. B. The impressions on healthy records: Food records could make patients to review on the contents of each meal. This help a lot on a losing weight of the case. But, when a patient has troubles on recoding his/her meal contents, his/her practice decreased. Exercise records could construct a concept of heat consumption, and also increase the frequency of exercise. Patients could examine their weight variation themselves by checking in the weight records, and they feel being activated by the communication-booklet, making arrangements to the weight control program. It is most important that patients will be better convinced by their professional consulter.


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