  • 學位論文


Gender Politics in the Discourse of Depressive Disorders:A Content Analysis of Recent Articles in Taiwan’s Newspaper

指導教授 : 劉仲冬 高美英


研究目的:近年大量產製的憂鬱症論述常設定女性為對象,將女性的情緒、身心與行為疾病化,涉入各種女性問題的詮釋。本研究的目的是以女性主義觀點檢視憂鬱症論述,深入思考精神醫療可能流於父權工具的危機。 研究方法:本研究包括兩大部分:(一)以2002年聯合報中之憂鬱症報導為樣本,採用量化內容分析方法,探討憂鬱症報導於案例、症狀、歸因各方面之性別差異(二)以質性的論述分析方法探討憂鬱症報導的內涵與性別結構,剖析其中性別政治的運作。 研究發現:一、 媒體的憂鬱症報導主要來自醫學專家,但並未傳達客觀中立的醫學知識,對於女性的意見與評論反映了父權社會的性別偏見,包括:過度呈現女性案例;對女性描述較多症狀而擴大網羅效應;將女性的憂鬱症歸咎於其自身,而男性憂鬱症則歸咎於環境。二、症狀論述將不符合社會規範的女性標籤為病人,由醫療專業掌控問題的詮釋權,但醫療的各種病因論述都傾向歸咎女性,生理病因論述病態化女性的生理特質,而精神醫療強調的心理、社會病因論述亦侷限於性別刻板印象,甚至成為女性行為的規訓。經前、產後、更年期憂鬱症論述將女性終身病態化,納入醫療管轄的範圍,也呈現父權社會對各種女性角色的期待、規訓與矛盾。


女性 憂鬱症 醫療化 內容分析 論述分析 性別


Specific Aims: Prevention and management of depression have become serious issues in today’s health policy. Because women constitute a large portion of depressive patients, the wide-spreading discourses of depressive disorders often target at women. Through the medicalization of women’s suffering, medical professions obtain the power to interpret and manage women’s problems. This thesis is aimed to examine gender bias and politics in the discourses of depressive disorders. Methods: The samples were drawn from the databank of United Daily News in Taiwan. In the first part of this thesis, we carried out a quantitative content analysis of articles about depressive disorders, examined gender differences in case illustrations, symptoms descriptions and disease attributions. In the second and major part, we use qualitative methods to analyze and interpret gender implications in the discourses of depressive disorders. Results: The opinions about depressive disorders in newspaper articles mainly come from medical professions. But instead of empirical knowledge, they are contaminated by personal and social prejudices of sexism. The articles over-present women in case illustrations, describe more symptoms for women and excessively label women as depressive patients. Most explanations of depressive disorders are based of patriarchal view and tend to blame women. The biological explanations of depression give undue emphasis to women’s physical diathesis and neglect women’s difficult social situations. The so-called “psycho-social” explanations of depression are limited to gender stereotype, or even worse, act to discipline women’s behavior. The discourses of premenstrual, postpartum and menopausal depression pathologize women’s lifetime and reveal the “double-bound” social expectations of women’s role.


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55. 盧孳豔,林雪貴,2001,〈更年期的論述分析〉,《護理雜誌》,第四十八卷,頁77-82。
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