  • 學位論文


Study on the Development of dental History in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李勝揚 王敦正 莊焜明


對當今臺灣的牙醫師而言,最重要的莫過於了解臺灣的牙科歷史。在今天的臺灣牙醫界,不論是從事牙醫學教育的工作者,或是從事牙科醫療的從業人員,都自身以牙醫師為榮,這是無可厚非的事實。但卻不了解自身的歷史,殊屬遺憾。因此筆者以文獻回顧的方法,旁徵博引,將臺灣有史以來,有關於牙醫發展的史料,做一個有系統之整理。綜觀臺灣牙科歷史的演變與發展,可將其劃分為五個時期,即第一期:民俗醫療時期(1873以前)、第二期:馬偕拔牙時期(1873~1896)、第三期:臺灣總督府臺北醫院時期(1906~1945)、第四期:舊醫師法時期(1945~1975)和第五期:新醫師法實施後(1975迄今)。民俗醫療中,巫術醫學與草藥醫療是世界各個原始民族求生存的基本法則,也是科學醫學的起點。教會醫療的犧牲奉獻則是醫學倫理的真諦,是當年傳教士遺留給我們的珍貴遺產。日據時期,醫學教育蓬勃發展,臺灣但卻錯失牙科發展黃金五十年。光復後,牙醫師被排除於舊醫師法的規範之外,與鑲牙生等同之列,復因戰後經濟蕭條,教育低落,牙醫發展,前途黯淡。新醫師法實施後,牙醫學的發展獲得了新契機,復以相關法令益臻完備,民智漸開,而有脫胎換骨之勢。尤當中華牙醫學會與中華民國牙醫師公會全國聯合會等全國性的組織成立之後,牙科醫療漸上軌道,牙醫學教育突飛猛進,日趨與世界各國等同水準。全民健保的實施與牙科植體的引進幾乎革新了臺灣的牙科醫療與牙醫學的教育,牙醫的發展又進入了另一個嶄新的境界。當牙科植體成為當代顯學之際,牙醫界切莫限於「植牙萬能」,而忽視了「綜合診斷、整體治療」黃金準則。 關鍵詞:民俗醫療 臺灣總督府臺北醫院 舊醫師法 新醫師法 牙科植體


Abstract: The most important thing for dentists in Taiwan is to understand the dental history of Taiwan in the present time. Nowadays in the dentistry of Taiwan, either the academician or the practitioner, both of them take it as the glory of being dentists that we are all proud of being a dentist. It is a pity that they are not aware of their own professional history. Hence, I intend to make a systemic review of the existing literature about dentistry with a retrospective method and circumstantial evidences. Therefore, taking a comprehensive view of the dental history in Taiwan, it can be divided into five periods. Namely the first period: Herbal Medicine and Folk Remedies Period(before 1873), the second period: Mackay’s Extraction Period(1873~1896), the third period: Taiwan Viceroy Palace Taipei Hospital Period(1906~1945), the fourth period: Old Physician’ Law Period(1945~1975) and the fifth period: since the practice of the New Physician’s Law till now. Sorcery medicine and herbal remedy, which are also the origin of scientific medicine, are the fundamentals of survival for the ancient people around the world. Sacrifice and contribution of monastic medicine is the real essence of medical ethics which is the most valuable estate left by missionaries. Modern medical education was well established during the period of the Japanese colonization, yet missing the 50-year golden time of developing dentistry in Taiwan. After recovery of Taiwan, the dental profession, not protected by Old Physician’s Law, was similar to that of false-tooth-maker on account of economic recession and poor education. Dentistry thus sank into the torpor of dark ages. After the practice of the New Physician’s Law, accompanied with the excellent laws and elevation of dental education, dentistry went into a new era. The establishment of the most important nationwide organization, including ADS-ROC and CDA, has contributed to the advance of dental development in the last decades, keeping pace with level of the world. Professional dentistry rests upon a threefold base: education, laws and organizations. In the meantime, when dental implantology was introduced into the dental treatment, all the dentist should not fall into the superstition of “Implant is all.”, neglecting the golden principle of multidisciplinary treatment. Key Words:Herbal medicine and folk remedies period, Mackay Extraction period, Taiwan Viceroy Palace Taipei Hospital period , Old Physician’s Law , New Physician’s Law, Dental Implant.


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85. 台北市牙醫師公會-公會簡介.htm
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