  • 學位論文


The effect of extra veg-fruit snack serving on dietary fiber intake and feces status of preschool children

指導教授 : 楊淑惠


增加膳食纖維、水(液體)的攝取對於預防便祕是有益健康生活的飲食形態(Rigby & Powell, 2005)。 本研究於2014年於新北市某公立幼兒園,利用在下午點心後使幼兒增加一份蔬果杯攝食,收集幼兒身高與體重、幼兒園餐點表、幼兒對蔬果杯喜好度、蔬果杯攝食量、兩日24小時攝食量、每日糞便次數及糞便性狀,以此評估幼兒膳食纖維攝食量來評估所增加的膳食纖維攝取量及是否達到每日建議攝取量,另外進一步探討增加蔬果杯對於糞便次數及性狀的變化。結果得知,完成試驗共計40位,其中3位有便祕史,同年齡不同性別比較之下得中班男孩高於女孩;同性別不同年齡比較得大班女孩身高、體重、BMI值皆高於中班女孩。蔬果杯中番茄攝食達成率59.6%、木瓜攝食達成率60.2%、芭樂攝食達成率為43.6%、水梨攝食達成率為55.7%,蔬果杯設計膳食纖維量每日約計2.5~3.0公克,第一週至第四週蔬果杯實際攝食量分別為1.5 ± 0.1公克、1.2 ± 0.2公克、1.1 ± 0.1公克、1.0 ± 0.1公克,攝食量顯著變少。分析受試者膳食纖維量≥ 10公克/天與< 10公克/天之糞便形態,結果:膳食纖維量≥ 10公克/天者在第一週排便正常人數比例顯著較高(p value < 0.05),但在第四週則無顯著差異存在。


To increase dietary fiber and water (liquid) intake for the prevention of constipation is the easy way to maintain healthy dietary status. This study was conducted in a New Taipei City public kindergarten during 2014. We provided one more cup of veg-fruit as afternoon snacks and collect children’s body height and weight, kindergarten meals menu, fruits and vegetables preference, fruit and vegetable cups intake portion, 2-day 24-hour dietary record, daily feces frequency and stool status. We evaluated subjects’ dietary fiber intake to assess whether the dietary intake increased and achieved the recommendation, and further studied whether the veg-fruit and vegetable increased affected subjects’ feces changes. Results: A total of 40 subjects were completed, 3 of them had a history of constipation, and the middle-class boys were higher than girls in the same age. Higher-class girls’ have higher body height, weight and BMI of than middle-class girls. To analysis veg-fruit compliance, tomato: 59.6%, papaya: 60.2%, guava: 43.6%, and pear: 55.7%. Dietary fiber content of veg-fruit cups is 2.5~3.0/day. To analysis the fiber intake, from the first week to the fourth week were 1.5 ± 0.1, 1.2 ± 0.2, 1.1 ± 0.1, 1.0 ± 0.1 g/day, it showed the intake significantly decrease gradually. To analysis subjects’ feces status according their dietary fiber intake, there were significantly higher proportion of normal feces status in dietary fiber intake ≥ 10 g/d than < 10 g/d (p <0.05) in the first week, but not in the fourth week.


世界衛生組織WHO Child Growth Standards 取自於http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/severemalnutrition/9789241598163/en/
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