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The Effect of an Extra Serving of a Vegetable-Fruit Snack on the Dietary Fiber Intake and Feces Status of Preschool Children


本研究於2014年在新北市某公立幼兒園,利用在下午點心後增加幼兒一份蔬果杯攝取,計算幼兒膳食纖維攝食量,並評估總膳食纖維攝取量及是否達到幼兒每日建議攝取量,另外進一步探討增加蔬果杯對於幼兒之糞便次數及性狀的變化。結果:計40位完成試驗,其中3位有便祕史。分析受試幼兒體位資料,同年齡不同性別,得中班男孩身高高於女孩;分析同性別不同年齡,得大班女孩身高、體重、BMI值皆高於中班女孩。分析受試幼兒蔬果杯攝食狀況,番茄攝食達成率59.6%、木瓜攝食達成率60.2%、芭樂攝食達成率為43.6%、水梨攝食達成率為55.7%。設計蔬果杯之膳食纖維量約計2.5~3.0公克,分析第一週至第四週蔬果杯實際攝食後計算膳食纖維攝取量分別為1.5 ± 0.1公克、1.2 ± 0.2公克、1.1 ± 0.1公克、1.0 ± 0.1公克,蔬果杯的膳食纖維攝食量顯著隨著時間減少。分析受試幼兒總膳食纖維量≥10公克/天與< 10公克/天之糞便形態,結果:膳食纖維量≥10公克/天者在第一週排便正常人數比例顯著較高(p value < 0.05),但在第四週則無顯著差異存在。幼兒在膳食纖維攝取足夠時糞便的正常排便比率增加,但是在午點之後增加一份蔬果可行度有待繼續研究。


幼兒 便祕 水果攝取 膳食纖維


This study was conducted in a New Taipei City public kindergarten in 2014. We provided an additional vegetable-fruit cup as an afternoon snack. We evaluated the children's dietary fiber intake to assess whether the intake increased and achieved the recommendation, and further studied whether the increased vegetable-fruit intake affected changes in the children's feces. In total, 40 children were enrolled, and three of them had a history of constipation. In an analysis of their anthropometric data, boys in the middle class were taller than girls of the same age. Girls in the upper class had a greater body height, weight, and body-mass index (BMI) than did girls in the middle class. In an analysis of the vegetable-fruit cup compliance, 59.6% of the tomato, 60.2% of the papaya, 43.6% of the guava, and 55.7% of the pear provided were consumed. The dietary fiber content of the vegetable-fruit cup was designed to provide about 2.5~3.0 g/day. In an analysis of the fiber intake from the vegetable-fruit cup, contents from the first to the fourth weeks were 1.5 ± 0.1, 1.2 ± 0.2, 1.1 ± 0.1, and 1.0 ± 0.1 g/day, which showed that the intake gradually but significantly decreased. In an analysis of the children's feces status according their dietary fiber intake, there was a significantly higher proportion of a normal feces status with dietary fiber intake of ≥ 10 g/day than with < 10 g/day (p < 0.05) in the first week, but not in the fourth week.


preschool constipation fruit intake dietary fiber
