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A Long-term Follow-up Study of Children: Dietary Fiber Intake


攝取足夠的膳食纖維對兒童發展具有重要的影響。本研究分析長期世代研究,使用電話訪問的方式蒐集孩童從2歲至滿10歲(2~6歲,n = 107, 100, 84, 70, 57; 9~10歲,n = 41, 25)的24小時飲食回憶及家庭問卷,以運算孩童的飲食營養與生展發展等資料。並參考日本數據建置水溶性與非水溶性膳食纖維資料庫,更詳盡地了解孩童水溶性與非水溶性膳食纖維攝取狀況。兒童生長狀況以體重、身高、BMI來評估;營養狀況則分析膳食纖維、熱量、醣類、蛋白質、脂質。結果顯示在生長方面,2至10歲兒童之身高、體重與BMI均落於WHO公布的生長曲線百分位之正常範圍內(身高落於25~90百分位,體重落於50~75百分位)。營養素攝取方面,三大營養素佔總熱量之比例為:蛋白質14%,脂肪27%~30%,醣類57%~60%。整日膳食纖維攝取量2歲時平均為4克,攝取量隨年齡增加而上升,10歲時攝取量約為10克。每1000大卡總膳食纖維與非水溶性膳食纖維之攝取量有隨著年齡上升顯著增加。若以每公斤體重之膳食纖維攝取量來評估,則2至5歲之攝取量皆隨年齡增加,但於6歲、9歲及10歲時,則呈現下降趨勢。整日及每公斤體重水溶性與非水溶性膳食纖維比例約1:3。在總膳食纖維、水溶性與非水溶性膳食纖維攝取情況的部分,三者主要食物來源皆依序為主食類、蔬菜類及水果類。研究發現各年齡層兒童均未達每一千大卡熱量攝取14公克膳食纖維之足夠攝取量。若要改善膳食纖維及各類營養素攝取不足的情況,可以將精緻的主食類替換成全穀類食物,及攝取300公克蔬菜與兩個中型水果,如此每日至少可攝取25克的膳食纖維。


Sufficient dietary fiber intake has important impact on the growth and development of children. This was a long-term follow-up study by using telephone interviews to collect 24-h dietary recalls and family questionnaires for children aged 2~10 years (2~6 years old, n = 107, 100, 84, 70, and 57, respectively; 9 and 10 years, n = 41 and 25, respectively) to assess information on the nutritional status and growth development. We also referred to Japanese food composition data to establish a database of water-soluble and insoluble dietary fiber for a more-detailed understanding of the water-soluble and insoluble dietary fiber intakes of children. The growth status of children was assessed by weight, height, and the body-mass index (BMI); the nutritional status was analyzed for dietary fiber, calories, carbohydrates, protein, and lipids. The results showed that in terms of growth, the height, weight, and BMI of children aged 2~10 were within normal ranges of the percentile of the growth curve published by the WHO (height fell within the 25~90 percentile, and weight fell within the 50~75 percentile). The percentages of the three major nutrients to total calories were 14% for protein, 27%~30% for fat, and 57%~60% for carbohydrates. The daily dietary fiber intake was 4 g at 2 years of age, and the consumption increased with age. At 10 years of age, intake was about 10 g. The intakes of total dietary fiber and water-insoluble dietary fiber per 1000 kcal significantly increased with age. The dietary fiber intake per kilogram of body weight increased from 2 to 5 years of age, but had decreased at 6, 9, and 10 years of age. Ratios of soluble to insoluble dietary fiber intake per day and per kilogram of body weight were approximately 1:3. The main food sources of total dietary fiber, and water-soluble and water-insoluble dietary fiber were grains, vegetables, and fruits. The study found that no children of any age took in sufficient 14 g of dietary fiber per 1000 kcal of calories. In order to improve the intake of dietary fiber and various nutrients, refined staple foods should be replaced with whole grains, and 300 g of vegetables and two medium-sized pieces of fruit should be added; in this way, at least 25 g of dietary fiber could be consumed daily.
