  • 學位論文


Applying Virtual Scenario Media on Knowledge Acquiring and Health Belief of Preventing Drug Abuse

指導教授 : 徐建業
共同指導教授 : 陳祺賢


從台灣地區緝獲毒品統計資料發現,俱樂部毒品(大麻、MDMA快樂丸、 GHB、Rohypnol、Ketamine、Methamphetamine甲基安非他命、LSD)緝獲數量皆有大幅成長之趨勢;因此,如何有效防制俱樂部毒品濫用應視為目前當務之急之重要工作。然而從防制毒品濫用之傷害減少(Harm reduction)策略角度來看,傳統式之平面媒體文宣及教條式反毒教學內容,已讓毒品濫用防制工作面臨新瓶頸,且目前網際網路上提供之藥物濫用防制資訊,皆屬單向被動式之線上學習模式,因此該如何有效應用多元教育以達到宣導防制藥物濫用實在值得令人深入省思。 依據本延續研究之前期研究成果發現,單純比較數位學習與傳統的學習成效差異性其實不大,更無法比較其學習動機的差異性以及是否真能有效提升參與者對防制藥物濫用的健康信念。因此本研究改良過去單純只能決定是或否的學習模式,製作出一套情境模擬養成虛擬環境,讓參與者能自行決定他在學習過程想做什麼,並在豐富過程中得到防制藥物濫用相關知識與宣導。期望藉此情境認知學習方式能加強學習動機外,更能讓知識在真實環境中學以致用,有效提升參與者對於藥物濫用的健康信念。 本研究之目的是以多媒體情境認知學習理論為建構基礎,並假設在多媒體情境認知學習環境下,除了可藉由VDASS學習到相關防制藥物濫用知識、有效提升學習後對於藥物使用的健康信念外,在未來的延續研究內容也可將參與者所有學習過程的認知行為記錄起來,並配合參與者的人格特質屬性,以期是否可歸納出參與者在VDASS多媒體情境認知學習環境中的學習成效關聯模式。因此,研究者開發一互動式數位情境模擬學習環境-『虛擬藥物濫用情境模擬學習』(Virtual Drug Abuse Scenario Simulation,VDASS)作為情境認知學習實驗平台。VDASS數位情境認知學習內容主要包含K他命、安非他命、FM2與GHB四種廣泛俱樂部藥物濫用藥品,除了進一步探討及評估VDASS情境認知學習模式對於學習之影響及其適用性外,更藉由多媒體媒介來模擬各種俱樂部毒品濫用後的感覺、症狀、行為、副作用、後遺症等情境,並引導使用者如何尋求解決藥物濫用問題之管道,期望能讓現實生活中因「好奇心」驅使下以身試藥的潛在行為降低;也讓已濫用俱樂部藥物者提高對防制藥物濫用宣導之學習動機,加強對於虛擬環境中藥物濫用結果面的實質認知。 本研究之初步學習成效評估部分,除了啟動專家會議並請台北醫學大學藥學所教授與台北醫學大學附設醫院總藥師等專家針對學習內容之藥物濫用相關知識統一評估外,更配合台北醫學大學學務處宣導校園防制藥物濫用專案,以大學部學生來施測VDASS數位情境模擬學習,以驗收其防制藥物濫用知識學習成效、適用性與可行性。研究統計結果顯示,受測者之前、後測成績t檢定之p值小於0.01,表示受測者在經過VDASS數位情境模擬學習後其成績達顯著差異,後測平均值(6.93)大於前測平均值(5.52),顯示學生的成績有所進步。而在使用者滿意度調查上也絕大多呈現滿意之評價。


According to the statistical analysis, the rate of seizing Club Drugs has been increasing these years. It is very important to find ways for preventing drug abuse. From the point of view of harm reduction, traditional propaganda and education methods become more and more inefficient and ineffective. Although there are some web pages that provide information related to drug abuse, most of them are based on passive learning model. In this study, we will combine drug abuse information system and digital e-learning technology to implement an internet-based learning model for preventing abuse of club drugs. An interactive scenario simulation e-learning model will be created, which is based on a very distinctive design called Virtual Drug Abuse Scenario Simulation (VDASS). The model will simulate many scenarios of drug abuse including the feeling, symptoms, behaviors, side effects, sequela, and the ways of preventing or solving those problems. Multimedia materials and learning activity will be implemented on a knowledge management platform. The learners should be more interested in and will have higher motive on the learning model. We expect that this system can reach the purpose of harm reduction of drug abuse. The idea of sharable content object reference model and virtual scenario simulation were adopted in this project to create the material and activities for the on-line e-learning system. The content was advised and contributed by many experts who have practical medicine experiences. Incorporated with multimedia knowledge database, the system management platform was established to provide the information about drug abuse and the education resources for medicine development, and become a portal web page for the education and information retrieval of drug abuse. The evaluation of the VDASS system was performed in both the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical knowledge base and the learning model. We hold several times of expert meeting to confirm the correctness of pharmaceutical knowledge. And, the evaluation of learning effects includes the comparison of the difference between pre- and post- test of applying VDASS e-learning method. The satisfaction score was also obtained using questionnaire to test the the suitability and feasibility of VDASS. In this project, we have successfully built a Virtual Drug Abuse Scenario Simulation for Amphetamine, Special K, Flunitrazepam (FM2), and g-hydroxybutyrate. The portal web page of “The education and prevention of drug abuse” contains several functions including the Virtual Drug Abuse Scenario Simulation, knowledge for experts/general population, on-line e-learning resources, self-evaluations, and learning/discussion community. The evaluation results show that the outcomes (test scores) of the post-test is better than the pre-test. According to the values of t = -4.28 and p=0.00005<0.01 from paired t-test, we can determine that there is a significant improvement in test scores after the studying of VDASS. The overall satisfaction is 76.96%. Therefore, the results support our hypothesis that the effect of applying VDASS e-learning model is suitability and feasibility. In the future, more evaluation can be done for different user groups such as the general populations. The development procedures used for creating Flash animation for MDMA can be adopted for building other interactive e-learning platforms. Furthermore, the full-text searching and searching for related external web pages will be incorporated in the future system.


Drug Abuse Multimedia E-Learning Internet Scenario Simulation


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