  • 學位論文


Study on the zoonotic trematodes and species identification from fresh water fishes in Taipei area

指導教授 : 范家&803


食用生的或未煮熟的魚可感染魚源性人畜共通吸蟲病,此疾病可因人口流動和氣候變化導致新興或再浮現。本研究針對新北市坪林區北勢溪及新店區楣子寮溪,採集溪流中的淡水魚類,分別針對其鰓、尾鰭、內臟與鱗片所感染之寄生蟲成蟲、幼蟲或囊蚴進行研究,並以PCR進行種類鑑定。目前在異形異形吸蟲之囊蚴於不同地區不同的淡水魚種類之盛行率有顯著的不同,在本次研究中從兩溪流中共蒐集90隻淡水魚,五種不同種類,分別是8尾平頜鱲、23尾粗首馬口鱲、28尾台灣馬口魚、16尾台灣石賓、15尾台灣鏟頜魚。經檢查發現有感染囊蚴之數量及比例總共48尾,盛行率為53.3%(48/90);依盛行率高低分別為: 平頜鱲的87.5%(7/8)、粗首馬口鱲的60.9%(14/23)、台灣馬口魚的57.1%(16/28)、台灣石賓的56.3%(9/16)與台灣鏟頜魚的13.3%(2/15)。另外在不同的溪流所採集之淡水魚在囊蚴感染的盛行率也有差異,於新北市坪林區北勢溪共採集40尾淡水魚,包括1尾平頜鱲、10尾粗首馬口鱲、13尾台灣馬口魚、5尾台灣石賓、11尾台灣鏟頜魚,經檢查發現各只有一尾粗首馬口鱲及台灣馬口魚有感染囊蚴,盛行率分別為10%(1/10)及7.7%(1/13),而總盛行率則為5%(2/40),其餘皆無發現囊蚴寄生。但在新北市新店區楣子寮溪所採集50隻淡水魚,包括7尾平頜鱲、13尾粗首馬口鱲、15尾台灣馬口魚、11尾台灣石賓、4尾台灣鏟頜魚。經檢查發現有感染囊蚴之數量及比例總共46尾,盛行率為92%(46/50),其中平頜鱲、粗首馬口鱲、台灣馬口魚盛行率皆為100%(7/7, 13/13, 15/15)而台灣鏟頜魚與台灣石賓盛行率為50%(2/4)及81.8%(9/11),可以看到在不同溪流的盛行率有顯著差異,新店區楣子寮溪魚受囊蚴的盛行率(92%)明顯高於坪林區北勢溪魚受囊蚴的盛行率(5%) (p < 0.05)。在不同魚種之鱗片部位感染囊蚴的情形是否不同經過統計分析後並無顯著差異,並調查鱗片受囊蚴感染的強度。另於內臟有發現勾頭蟲及未知寄生蟲,寄望於之後的研究以分子生物學的方式,確認其種類。


Eating raw or undercooked fishes may acquire various fish-borne parasites which may cause human and animal to suffer from zoonotic parasitosis that can be emerged or re-emerged due to intensive population movements and climatic change. In the present study, we intended to investigate the infection status of fish-borne zoonotic trematodes (FZT) from freshwater fishes which were collected from Beixi River, Pinglin District, New Taipei City and Meizi Liu River, Xindian District, respectively, New Taipei City by detection of the metacercaria using morphological characteristics and PCR identification. The gills, caudal fins, viscera and scales of each fish were examined to detect any metacercaria. Totally, we have collected 90 freshwater fishes with five different species, namely Zacco platypus (n= 8), Opsariichthys pachycephalus (n= 23), Candidia barbata (n= 28), Acrossocheilus paradoxus (n= 16) and Varicorhinus barbatulus (n= 15), respectively. Results indicated that the overall prevalence of FZT metacercaria is 53.3% (48/90), of which the prevalence in fishes caught from Beixi River (92%, 46/50) was significantly higher than that seen in fishes caught from Meizi Liu River (5%, 2/40) (p < 0.05). According to fishes species, the highest prevalence was found in Zacco platypus (87.5%, 7/8) then Opsariichthys pachycephalus (60.9%, 14/23), following by Candidia barbata (57.1%, 16/28), Acrossocheilus paradoxus (56.3%, 9/16) and the lowest was Varicorhinus barbatulus (13.3%, 2/15), respectively. No significant difference in prevalence and infection intensity of metacercaria in scales in different sites of fishes (p > 0.05). Meanwhile, we also found Acanthocephala and unknown parasites which needs further identification.


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