  • 學位論文


A Study of Inpatient Utilization and the Outcome of Care of Military School Students, Military Servicemen and Military-substitute Servicemen in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance

指導教授 : 楊哲銘
共同指導教授 : 簡戊鑑


探討全民健康保險第四類被保險人中軍校軍費生及義務役軍人、替代役等之住院醫療利用與照護結果情形,分析研究對象中之性別、年齡、就醫利用地區、就醫機構層級及醫療利用情形。其次分析研究對象之疾病診斷、外因分類、手術碼、就醫科別,汽車事故及住院死亡等,並與研究對以外被保險人比較。再者對保險研究對象高利用之前十名疾病,分析其住院醫療利用情形,與非第四類被保險人平均使用情形,從住院率、住院次數、住院天數及醫療費用等方面逐一比較探討。最後將交通意外項目納入研究,結果與研究對象以外之被保險人比較,探討研究對象因交通事故住院率與研究對象以外之被保險人有無明顯差異,另可供國防部或內政部等相關業管機關參考,加強宣導減少傷病以增強部隊戰力。研究資料來源為2002 年全民健康保險研究資料庫之醫事機構基本資料檔 (HOSB)、住院醫療費用清單明細檔(DD)及承保資料檔(ID),抽出第四類被保險人中之軍校軍費生及義務役軍人、替代役等類被保險人相關資料予以整理分析。 軍校軍費生及義務役軍人、替代役等被保險人的男性較女性住院次數為絕對高,因當時軍中僅有少數女性軍校軍費生。軍校軍費生與義務役軍人住院人員年齡以20-24歲占多數,平均年齡為21.74 歲;替代役住院人員年齡以20-24 歲占多數,平均年齡為21.65 歲。軍校軍費生、義務役軍人等被保險人之就醫地區,人數最多為台北市,依序為高雄市、台中縣、桃園縣、高雄縣等,件數最少的則是南投縣僅189 人。替代役就醫地區以台中縣最高,依序為台北市、台中市、高雄市等,最低為連江縣無人於地區內就醫。軍校軍費生、義務役軍人及替代役全年健保住院就醫層級分析方面,以區域醫院最多、地區醫院次之、醫學中心再次之,基層院所與其他醫療機構幾乎無人住院。軍校軍費生、義務役軍人住院主要診斷排名前十名依序為:急性扁桃腺炎、肺炎、支氣管性肺炎、急性支氣管炎、拆除骨折固定板或其他內固定器之術後療養、早期妊娠出血、下肢其他蜂窩組織炎及膿瘍,足除外、鼻中隔彎曲、單側或未明示之腹股溝疝氣未提及阻塞或壞疽(未明示為復發)、其他非傳染性胃腸炎及大腸炎。 替代役住院主要診斷排名前十名依序為支氣管性肺炎、急性支氣管炎、急性扁桃腺炎、拆除骨折固定板或其他內固定器之術後療養、肺炎、未提及阻塞之急性十二指腸潰瘍併出血及穿孔、未提及阻塞之急性胃潰瘍出血、其他非傳染性胃腸炎及大腸炎、鼻中隔彎曲、未提及腹膜炎之急性闌尾炎。 2002 年軍校軍費生及義務役軍人住院外因分類,以肇事原因不明之機動車輛交通事故,傷者為身份不詳者最多,餘依序為與另一機動車相撞之其他機動車輛交通事故,傷者為機車騎士、肇事原因不明之機動車輛交通事故,傷者為機車騎士等。 2002 年替代役住院外因分類,前十名為以肇事原因不明之機動車輛交通事故,傷者為身份不詳者最多、餘依序為與另一機動車相撞之其他機動車輛交通事故,傷者為機車騎士等。 2002 年軍校軍費生與義務役軍人於健保住院就醫中,主手術 ( 處置 ) 排序以鼻中膈粘膜下切除術最多,餘依序為闌尾切除術、痔瘡切除術、膝關節切開行人工關節移除術、傷口、感染或燒傷之切除性擴創術、其他部位皮膚及皮下之縫合術、間接型鼠蹊疝氣修補術、腹部及腹膜腔後診斷性超音波檢查、脛骨及腓骨骨折開放性復位併使用內固定器等。 2002 年替代役於健保住院就醫中,主手術( 處置 )以鼻中膈粘膜下切除術最多,餘依序為闌尾切除術、股骨內固定器移除術、痔瘡切除術、脛骨及腓骨內固定器移除術、橈骨及尺骨內固定器移除術、精索靜脈曲張和精索積水切除術、其他部位皮膚及皮下之縫合術、頭部電腦化軸位斷層攝影、膝關節鏡檢查。 2002 年軍校軍費生與義務役軍人於健保住院就醫中,就醫科別以骨科為首、餘依序為外科、內科、耳鼻喉科、胸腔內科、腸胃內科、精神科、整形外科、神經外科、感染科、泌尿科。 2002 年替代役於健保住院就醫中,就醫科別中以腸胃內科為首、骨科次之,胸腔內科、耳鼻喉科、家醫科、泌尿科、神經外科、神經內科。2002 年軍校軍費生與義務役軍人於健保住院就醫總數件中,交通事故占4.24%。2002 年替代役於健保住院就醫案件中,交通事故占3.11%。軍校軍費生與義務役軍人於2002 年健保住院就醫存活計占99.82 %,死亡占0.19 %。替代役於2002 年健保住院就醫存活占99.83 %,死亡占0.17 %。2002 年軍校軍費生與義務役軍人住院醫療費用方面,平均為20,745.99 元;住院天數平均7.33 天。替代役住院醫療費用方面,平均為16,942.40 元;住院天數平均為5.51 天。 本研究的目的係運用「統計」及「健保資料」,分析台灣地區2002年軍校軍費生及義務役軍人、替代役等類被保險人住院利用率,有無超長住院情形,若然,其比率及平均住院天數為何?軍校軍費生及義務役軍人、替代役等類被保險人與同年齡層保險對象之疾病等比較,未來供相關單位制訂衛生教育、預防保健及訓練計畫訂定的參考。


Discusses in all the people of health insurance fourth kind of insured the military academy military expenses to live and the serviceman, to substitute the draftee in hospital of medical service use situation and so on, separately from, in hospital number of times, in hospital number of days and medical expense aspects and so on in hospital rate discusses, simultaneously analyzes in this object of study the sex, the age, to go see a doctor using the area, goes see a doctor the organization level; And lives and the voluntary service serviceman according to the military academy military expenses, substitutes the draftee insured of the same kind, analyzes its in hospital medical service use situation individually. Next on the sex, the age, goes see a doctor using the area, goes see a doctor factors and so on organization level, affects the military academy military expenses draftee in hospital of medical service use situations the object of study and so on to live and the voluntary service serviceman, to substitute. Furthermore to the high use insurance object of study first five vigorous sickness, analyzes its in hospital medical service use situation, compares one by one equally with the non-fourth kind of insured use situation; Finally integrates the research to the traffic accident project, the findings may supply the central committee industry tube institution to refer, strengthens the guidance to reduce wounded and sick strengthens the army to fight the strength; The research data source is in 2002 all the people health insurance research information bank sampling person returning home files, extracts in the fourth kind of insured the military academy military expenses to live and the voluntary service serviceman, the substitution draftee, reorganizes the correlation data to analyze. The research military academy military expenses draftee insures and so on live and the voluntary service serviceman, substitute in hospital medical service use factors, lowers how many compared to the non-fourth kind of insured's average, goes see a doctor the area to divide the medical use factor to be highest in where, lowest is what place. The choice in hospital's hospital level difference part, the military academy military expenses draftee the insured and so on will live and the voluntary service serviceman, substitute to choose to the local hospital accept in hospital medical service, will compare with the non-fourth kind of insured, the choice medicine center in hospital ratio will compare the non-fourth kind of insured height proportion. Traffic accident right and wrong fourth kind of insured sample how many, because the traffic accident goes see a doctor in hospital, right and wrong fourth kind of insured's several times; The confirmation military academy military expenses live and the voluntary service serviceman, substitute the draftee insured of the same kind, whether is a crowd has the medical demand but to lack the use the tribal grouping tribal group. In six broad heading insured, do the military academy military expenses live and the voluntary service serviceman, how substitute the draftee insured of the same kind to be hospitalized the use factor? Whether there is ultra long in hospital situation, if so, its ratio and average in hospital number of days why? In the fourth kind of insured the military academy military expenses live and the voluntary service serviceman, substitute the draftee average age, the healthy situation of the same kind. The military academy military expenses live and the voluntary service serviceman, substitute the draftee height use insured object of the same kind the vigorous sickness comparison.


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