  • 學位論文


The illness perception and self-care behavior of patients with heart failure

指導教授 : 蔡佩珊
共同指導教授 : 蔡仁貞


研究目的:本研究運用自我調節模式理論,旨在探討心臟衰竭患者其疾病知覺與自我照顧行為之相關性。主要目的為:(1)描述心臟衰竭患者疾病知覺(含疾病認同、疾病詮釋與病因解釋)與自我照顧行為;(2)分析心臟衰竭患者疾病認同與自我照顧行為相關性;(3)分析心臟衰竭患者疾病詮釋與自我照顧行為相關性;(4)分析心臟衰竭患者病因解釋與自我照顧行為相關性;及(5)分析心臟衰竭患者自我照顧行為重要預測因子。 研究方法:本研究採描述性研究,於北部某醫學中心之心臟內科門診進行收案。研究工具包括「心臟衰竭患者疾病知覺量表」、「心臟衰竭症狀經驗量表」與「心臟衰竭患者自我照顧行為量表」,主要之統計方法為描述性分析、獨立性t檢定、皮爾森相關與階層迴歸統計分析。在階層迴歸統計之模式一選入人口學變項性別、教育程度與NYHA心臟功能分級和疾病認同,模式二選入疾病詮釋變項,模式三再選入病因解釋變項。 研究結果:發現與疾病詮釋具顯著相關的有:年齡與時間性急性/慢性(r = .34, p < .001)、個人對疾病的控制(r = .28, p = .005)。在疾病詮釋具差異性者:教育程度與時間性急性/慢性(F =4.93, p = .009)、對疾病認知的一致性(F =3.75, p = .027),教育程度小學以下者,對於疾病狀態的急慢性感受大於其他教育程度的患者,而大學以上的患者則對疾病的了解程度較高;NYHA心臟功能分級與時間性急性/慢性(F =6.93, p = .002)、時間週期循環性(F =4.55 , p = .013),即class III以上的患者對於疾病的急性/慢性和週期循環性之感受高於class I 和class II,其愈感受疾病是慢性的、具週期性的,此外,是否接受過心臟衰竭疾病衛教和對疾病認知的一致性具差異性(t =2.29, p = .025),曾接受衛教的患者對疾病了解程度較高。經階層迴歸分析,模式二選入疾病詮釋可提供整體自我照顧行為27%解釋力,其中又以個人對疾病的控制為唯一獨立預測變項,顯示疾病詮釋之個人對疾病的控制為自我照顧行為之重要預測因子。 結論與建議:在疾病知覺中,個人對疾病的控制為自我照顧行為之重要預測因子,因此,建議未來應發展具個別性的心臟衰竭疾病衛教模式,並提供患者正確的認知,以提高其自我照顧行為。


Background and Research Objective: The study was based on self-regulation model and aimed to investigate the relationship between illness perception and self-care behaviors of patients with heart failure. The purposes of the study were to (1) describe the illness perception (illness identity, illness representations, and cause) and self-care behaviors of patients with heart failure, (2) examine the relationship between illness identity and self-care behaviors, (3) analyze the relationship between illness representations and self-care behaviors, (4) analyze the relationship between cause and self-care behaviors, and (5) identify important predictors of illness perception and self-care behaviors patients heart with failure. Subjects and Methods: This study used a descriptive correlational design. The study subjects were patients with heart failure from a teaching hospital in northern Taiwan. Three questionnaires including the illness perception questionnaire revised (IPQ-R), the heart failure symptoms experience questionnaire, and the self-care behaviors questionnaire were administered to the study participants. Independent t-test, Pearson’s correlation and hierarchical regression were used to analyze the results. Results: Univariate analyses revealed that age (r = .34, p < .001), education level (F = 4.93, p = .009), and NYHA functional class (F = 4.93, p = .009) are significant correlates of IPQ-R subscales. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that personal control in the illness representations significantly predicted self-care behaviors. Conclusions: Patients’ illness representations impact self-care behaviors. they believed that the personal control of heart failure. Patients will show a better self-care behavior if they can recognize the signs of heart failure. Results of the study suggest that development of a individuality heart failure disease health education or intervention program is required.


行政院衛生署(2011).98年度死因統計完整統計表.2011年6月30日取自http://www.doh.gov.tw/CHT2006/DM/DM2_2.aspx?now_fod_list_no=11122 & class_no=440 & level_no=3 [Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, ROC. (2011). 2010 Cause of death statistics. Retrieved June 30, 2011, from HUhttp://www.doh.gov.tw/CHT2006/DM/DM2_2.aspx?now_fod_list_no=11122&class_no=440&level_no=3UH]
