  • 學位論文


The Effects of an Oral Care Program on Oral Health of Institutionalized Elderly

指導教授 : 張佳琪


長期照護機構老年人因多重慢性病和自我照顧能力下降,忽略了口腔的照護,造成口腔相關疾病,影響口腔健康生活品質、口腔健康狀況和營養狀況。國內外少有口腔衛生方案介入措施對口腔健康狀況的相關研究,故本研究目的即是探討口腔衛生方案在長期照顧機構老年人的成效。 本研究之主要目的是發展完整之口腔照護方案,並測試其改善口腔健康狀況及營養狀況之成效,採類實驗性研究(Quasi-experimental study),以方便取樣選取北部兩間長期照護機構,隨機分派方式至實驗組和對照組,實驗組接受四週口腔衛生方案,對照組接受常規口腔照護,共收取54位研究對象,實驗組24位,對照組30位。收集兩組前測資料,包含人口學變項,一般健康狀況,主觀口腔健康狀況:口腔健康衝擊量表-14(OHIP-14),客觀口腔健康狀況:牙菌斑狀況和口腔健康評估工具(OHAT);收集兩組後測資料,包含OHIP-14、牙菌斑狀況、OHAT和營養狀況資料。資料分析採用SPSS19.0版軟體統計分析。 研究結果顯示,接受口腔衛生方案後,可以顯著改善OHAT的結果(F=21.094, p<.01)以及牙菌斑狀況(F=4.438, p<.05),在營養狀況可以顯著減少進食時間(F=5.372, p<.05)。因此建議長期照護機構可以藉由執行口腔衛生方案來改善老年人的口腔健康、降低牙菌斑以及減少進食時間,以提升口腔衛生照護的滿意度,期能增進生活品質,所以口腔衛生方案值得臨床醫護人員參考並推廣。


Institutionalized elderly overlooked the oral care because of multiple chronic diseases and decline self-care skills, impact the oral health quality of life, oral health status and nutritional status, resulting in oral-related diseases.There are few oral care program interventions. . The purpose of this study was to develop an oral care program and to examine the effects of this program among institutionalized elderly. This was a quasi-experimental study . Fifty-five convenience subjects were recruited from two northern long-term care facilities, randomly assigned to the experimental group (n = 24) and the control group(n = 30). The experimental group received four weeks of oral health programs, the control group received routine oral care. Data were collected pre- and post-tests including demographic variables, general health status, subjective oral health status:, and objective oral health status. Subjective oral health status was measured by Oral Health Impact Scale -14 (OHIP-14) and objective oral health status were measured by plaque status and oral health assessment tool (OHAT). The data were analyzed by SPSS 19.0 for Windows. The study results showed that the experimental group had improve significantly with OHAT results (F = 21.094, p <.01), plaque status (F = 4.438, p <.05),and reduce the feeding time (F = 5.372, p <.05).Therefore the oral care program should be recommended in the future in long-term care facilities in order to promote the oral health and improve the quality of life.


Oral care Elderly Institutionalized


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