  • 學位論文


The Taiwanese Version of the Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents: Reliability and Validity

指導教授 : 張秀如


本研究旨在轉譯「青少年生存理由量表(The Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents; RFL-A)」成「臺灣版青少年生存理由量表(The Taiwanese Version of the Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents; TRFL-A)」,並建立轉譯後量表的信度與效度。研究方式採橫斷式研究設計,以立意取樣,選取台北市二所市立國中及一所國立高中、一所綜合高中共計376位青少年,並於台北市某專科醫院及醫學中心招募32位經由專科醫師診斷有憂鬱症狀之12~20歲青少年個案,作為驗證量表效度之對照組,整體研究所收受之受試者共計408位。研究工具為結構式問卷,包括(1)個案基本資料、(2)臺灣版青少年生存理由量表(The Taiwanese Version of Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents; TRFL-A)、(3)中文版自殺意念量表(the Chinese Version of the Positive and Negative Suicidal Ideation; PANSI-C)。資料分析包括以Cronbach’s α係數以及折半信度檢定轉譯量表的內在一致性;求得可信賴的專家效度(CVI)值後,再進行因素分析分析出量表的因素結構,最後以聚歛效度、對照團體法檢定轉譯後量表的效度。 研究結果發現,在信度方面,本研究轉譯之「臺灣版青少年生存理由量表(TRFL-A)」的Cronbach’s α係數值為.95;家庭的支持與互動分量表(Famaily Alliance)的Cronbach’s α係數值為.93;對自殺的恐懼程度(Suicide-Related Concerns)分量表的Cronbach’s α係數值為.94,自我滿意暨自我接納程度分量表(Self-Acceptance)的Cronbach’s α係數值為.92,對未來樂觀正向的態度分量表的Cronbach’s α係數值為.87,同儕的支持與脈絡分量表的Cronbach’s α係數值為.88;本量表的折半信度為.94;顯示量表具有良好之內在一致性。 效度方面,本研究以因素分析發現與原量表一致的五個因素,聚歛效度方面,與中文版自殺意念正向分量表(PANSI-PI)的相關係數為.94,(p<.0001),對照團體比較方面,臨床組與社區組得平均得分差異為十八分,達到統計上顯著差異(t=0.034, p<0.01)。 本研究的結果顯示初步轉譯之「臺灣版青少年生存理由量表(The Taiwanes Version of Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents; TRFL-A)」適合的信度及效度,希望協助國內護理研究以及醫護人員能夠從青少年日常生活中的正面觀點探討青少年自我傷害行為。


A dramatic increase of suicide rates in adolescent has been noted in Taiwan during past decade. The role of adaptive beliefs and attitudes against suicide has been given attention recently years. The vast majority of suicidal assessment tools in Taiwan focus on negative factors that may increase the chance if individual engaging in intentional self-harm. The Reasons for Living Inventory for adolescent scale is a structured 32-item self-report inventory that assesses the future optimism, suicide-related concerns, family alliance, peer acceptance and support, and self-acceptance, which can be used as a supplementary tool with other traditional tools to comprehensively measure suicide behaviors. The purpose of this study was therefore to translate the RFLA scale from English version to Chinese version and to examine the reliability and the validity of this inventory. We will enroll 30 juvenile patients with depression or dysthymia and 300 students from middle and high schools to fill out the questionnaires. For analyzing the reliability of RFLA of Chinese version, we would examine the internal consistency, Cronbach’s α, split-half reliability, and test-retest reliability. Expert validity, construct validity, and criterion validity will be used for evaluating the validity of this inventory. Moreover, in validation the scale, factor analyses will be used for item analysis and scale validation. Finally, we will identify the cutoff point by Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analyses. Results from this study will provide important implications for comprehensively measuring both protective and negative factors of suicide behaviors.


adolescents depressive symptoms reliabity validity


