  • 學位論文


Relationship between occupational exposure and hearing loss in members of a local painter union

指導教授 : 陳叡瑜


摘 要 本研究係一橫斷研究(cross sectional study),以瞭解某油漆工會成員(無固定雇主勞工)的聽力損失狀況與職業衛生情況,藉由健康檢查(包括一般健康檢查、噪音作業健康檢查與實驗診斷)、問卷調查(包括個人基本資料和自覺症狀等),評估油漆工會成員的聽力損失與其危險因子(鉛、有機溶劑、噪音、工作場所其他環境暴露等)的相關性。 參與本次特殊危害作業健康檢查之油漆工會成員已完成有效問卷總共份數為47份,結果顯示: 1、年齡分布在21至70歲間(平均年齡為48.4±9.8歲),以男性為主(91.5%),已婚居多(84.1%),教育程度偏低,以國中為多(44.7%),有20.9%的男性服役兵種為炮兵與靶場相關,整體而言,平均工作年資為22.3±13.8年。 2、就純音聽力檢查(PTA)結果發現:(1)職業相關高音頻聽力損失在此研究族群是明顯的。(2)職業相關高音頻聽力損失部分,在受檢者年齡層主體(45歲以上),呈現25%-100%聽力受損(≧41 dB)的結果。 3、比較國內已知職業別的聽力損失的狀況發現,以行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所的研發的常模值資料相較之下,發現本研究族群的聽力損失表現恰落在高暴露噪音族群及一般非噪音暴露族群之間,與一般噪音作業勞工的聽力損失相近。 4、油漆工會成員的聽力損失與先前服役的噪音暴露、職場暴露的乳膠漆的相關性明顯;與職場暴露的調和漆、水性水泥漆呈現邊緣性的相關。 5、油漆工會成員的聽力保護應溯自軍旅時代,直至工作時全程應用,以為防護。


Abstract This cross- sectional study aims to evaluate the association between the hearing impairment status and occupational hygiene condition among members of a local painter union in northern Taiwan. Health examination, including physical examination, audiometric examination and laboratory tests were performed to evaluate the health and hearing status. Personal information, clinical symptom, occupational history and exposures were collected via structural questionnaire. A total of 47 clients, 43 male and 4 female, fulfill the questionnaire and accomplished health examinations. The PTA performed and revealed possible occupational hearing loss (≧41 dB) among 25-100% of the age groups more than 45 and above. Compared with specific population data, which were developed by IOSH, the hearing impairment status of the study group had been found just between the high-noise workers group and non-noise workers, and close to that of ordinary noise worker. The hearing impairment status of the study group shows significant to emulsion paint and strong significance to noise due to gun shot or cannon fire during previous military service. There was borderline significance between hearing loss and ready mix paint, also water based masonry paint. The hearing protection should be applied as early as military service days and all time while at this work.


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