  • 學位論文

ISO 9000應用在行政機關之實證研究

An Empirical Study on The Establishment of ISO 9000 Series in The Administrative Organizations

指導教授 : 葉若春


民國八十七年七月,行政院人事行政局公務人員發展中心提出一份「政府部門實施全面品質管理之研究」,建議行政機關推行全面品質管理在策略上可引進在企業界非常普及的ISO 9000品質管理系統,因為ISO 9000要求在產品的生產過程或服務的提供流程中,每一階段以及相關連的各項作業,都能夠建立管理系統、作業流程以及作業標準,然後落實的執行。 本研究即根據上述論點,選擇特定的四家行政機關推行ISO 9000之個案歷程進行探討。藉由推行ISO9000系列之過程模式及個案之品質系統要項對照來作實證。由此四家機關所得之探討結果,本研究結論認為ISO 9000對於行政機關是可行的品質保證制度。 行政機關導入ISO 9000之動機與目的與企業界並不全然相同,通過ISO 9000認證代表的僅是行政機關具有符合國際品質保證標準最基本要求的系統而已,距離以服務品質保證作為達到民眾滿意之目標仍有距離,行政機關的運作流程與其他產業比較起來雖較不複雜但也並不單純,行政機關長期以來即難以建立一客觀的品質標準作為衡量施政或民眾滿意度之依據。運用ISO 9000國際品質保證制度的推動,即一方面幫助提高民眾滿意度並為單純的流程建立明確的品質保證系統與制度,另一方面亦期望能釐清制訂出民眾滿意度的品質作業標準,以滿足行政機關自我的品質要求與民眾的需求。 取得認證之行政機關將會越來越多,獲得ISO 9000認證並不能保證或代表行政機關的施政或提供的服務絕對能獲得民眾的滿意。本研究的主要成果,就在於藉由探討行政機關已獲得ISO 9000認證之個案,設計出一套適合行政機關導入ISO 9000系列的品質保證系統,並對其導入過程與模式等相關事項提出建議,所完成之建議包括行政機關導入ISO 9000應有之觀念、行政機關導入ISO 9000之模式、行政機關推行ISO 9000之階段規劃與作業重點項目及行政機關品質制度應具體實施之參考事項及通過認證後之維持與落實等,這些建議可提供全國各行政機關作為導入ISO 9000參考,希望各行政機關所建制的ISO 9000能確實以提升品質為導向且以施政或提供的服務能獲得民眾的滿意為焦點。


In July 1998, a report "The Study on the Overall Implementation of the Total Quality Management (TQM) in Government Agencies" was presented by The Civil Servant Development Center of the Central Personnel Administration (CPA), Executive Yuan. As we know, ISO 9000 requires the management system, operating procedures and operating standards to be set and performed during each stage and for all related operations of the production and service providing processes. The report therefore recommends that the ISO 9000 quality management system which are prevailing in industries could be introduced when drawing up strategies for the overall implementation of TQM in government’s administrative organizations. Based on the abovementioned report, this study selected four specific administrative organizations and further studied their ISO 9000 implementation processes. Comparison between models of the ISO 9000 series implementation processes and the quality systems of the studied cases were made and presented as evidence to conclude that the ISO 9000 standards are feasible quality assurance system for government’s administrative organizations. The motives and objectives of the administrative organizations’ introducing ISO 9000 may not be necessarily identical to those of the industries. Receiving the ISO 9000 certificate only means that the organization does meet the basic requirements of the international quality standards, it may be still a long way off to the service quality that guarantees customer satisfaction. Compared to industries, though the operating procedures of the administrative organizations are not complicated, they are not simple at all. That''s why there has never been an objective quality standard to measure the performance of the administrative organizations as well as the public''s satisfaction. With the ISO 9000 standards, the quality assurance system can be set to improve public''s satisfaction; furthermore, the ISO 9000 may help to draw up the standard operating procedures which maximize public''s satisfaction, to guide the administrative organizations for achieving better quality performance, and to meet the public’s expectations. More and more government’s administrative organizations will receive the ISO 9000 certificate but the certificate provides no guarantee to the public''s satisfaction towards the administration and service provided by the administrative organizations. The major results of this study is, by further examining specific administrative organizations granted with ISO 9000, to establish a quality assurance system that is most feasible to introducing ISO 9000 into administrative organizations and at the same time provides recommendations for its implementation procedures and model related issues. Recommendations include the concept the administrative organizations should have when introducing ISO 9000, the implementation model, the planning of each stage and its operation focus, references that the quality system should take into account, and how to maintain and implement after granted with ISO 9000. We think these recommendations might be good reference for introducing ISO 9000 in administrative organizations national-wide, and we hope that the administration and service provided by the administrative organizations can be fully quality-oriented and thus receive high satisfaction from the public.


ISO 9000 TQM Administrative Organizations


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陳逸修(2008)。ISO 9000導入對大學校務行政服務品質影響之研究-以PZB模式為應用〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2008.00144
