  • 學位論文

餐飲服務業對政府機關食品衛生安全稽查滿意度調查之研究 _以臺北市餐飲服務業為對象

The Satisfaction Survey Research of Hospitality Business V.S. Government Health Dept. Inspection on Food Serve - A case study of Hospitality Business in Taipei

指導教授 : 李弘暉博士


本研究之目的在於探討政府機關餐飲衛生管理之滿意度,樣本選定臺北市餐飲服務業與衛生機關對應窗口之管理幹部,並依營業性質將其分為:國際及一般觀光飯店、中式宴席餐廳、西餐廳、日本料理、速食業及百貨公司美食街攤商等六大類,實收有效問卷332份,透過統計軟體以卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本變異數分析、成對樣本變異數分析及敘述性統計等分析餐飲服務業對政府機關衛生檢查及抽驗之滿意度,結果如下: 一、 接受餐飲GHP或HACCP專業訓練,以觀光飯店62.2%和速食業39.7%較高,食品衛生專責人員及安全衛生幹部80%以上較高,具有行業別及職務之正相關。 二、 對臺北市組織修編後「食品衛生主管機關、稽查單位及衛生所」等食品業務管理角色變動之瞭解,觀光飯店72%最高,速食業44%次之,日本料理最低約為10%,具有行業別之正相關。 三、 政策面之「法規及專業」、「主動施行或配合要求而施行自主管理及HACCP系統」以觀光飯店及速食業之得分明顯優於其他業別,受餐飲GHP或HACCP專業訓練比未受專業訓練者佳,行業別及受專業訓練者均具顯著性差異。對衛生檢查與檢驗委外辦理政策分別得2.66分及2.94分,雖然行業別、教育程度及有無受專業訓練三者間並未具顯著性差異,此仍凸顯政府機關衛生檢查與抽驗之公信力仍然較能被餐飲業接受。 四、 執行面之「衛生檢查態度」、「法規說明與檢查標準不一致情形」、「食品衛生相關問題請益及其滿意度」、「為稽查員打分數」等題項評值,受試者僅給予略高於及格之評價。對「比較組織修編後稽查站與藥物食品處之表現是否比以前衛生所時期更好」之評價介於2.50至3.57,觀光飯店最低,行業別間具顯著性差異,但是對有無接受衛生安全專業訓練者不具顯著性差異。


Abstract The purpose of this research lies in the satisfaction of hygiene management between the Health Dept. of government and the hospitality industrials in Taipei City. The motivation of this research is focus on satisfactions survey of the area of Taipei City. The Health Dept. sorts 6 categories of Hospitality business as below: 1. International / Local Tourist Hotels 2. Chinese Banquet Restaurants 3. Western Restaurants 4. Japanese Restaurants 5. Fast Food Restaurants 6. The Food Courts in Department Stores In fact, the results of this survey show 332 questionnaires are useful. After several different methods to evaluate: Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square test, One Way ANOVA, Independence samples t test, Paired-samples t test. The major results are as follow: 1. Those who have accepted the GHP or HACCP professional training 62.2% of tourist hotels and 39.7% of fast food restaurants are higher than others. The food hygiene specializes are also more than 80%. The positive racial which is based on different categories and job duties. 2. After re-organized of the food hygiene competent authority, inspection unit and the health dept.....etc.in Taipei City. We can learn that the employees who are in charge of this business management in this field is changeable. The numbers come out 72% of tourist hotels is the highest, 44% of fast food restaurants takes the second place rapidly. But Japanese restaurants is only about 10% ( the lowest ), which bases on different categories of hospitality business. 3. Policy wise : the regulations & specialties of the policy , implement automatically or required to implement the management independently and HACCP system, the Hospitality Industrials and Fast Food Restaurants are much better than others. We can tell that those who have been trained of GHP or HACCP show their expertise and professional skills are more than others. Also it shows a big difference by professional training and the segmentation / types of this industrials. According to the sanitation inspection and other inspection authority, the results are 2.66 and 2.94 degrees. It doesn't make a really big differences from the types of businesses, education levels and whether have been trained or not. But the check-up and inspection through the Health Dept. lf government is more acceptable by hospitality industrials. 4. Development wise : The sanitary inspection altitudes, in accordance with the inspection standard is different from the description of regulations, Related questions of Food Sanitation and safety, the evaluation degree from the inspectors....etc. The results of above items are barely higher than the qualified level. The comparisons of developments whether re-organized inspection unit and FDA are much improved or not? The grades of appraisal is between 2.50 to 3.57, tourist hotels is the lowest one, the most differences show obviously among the types of businesses. On the other hand, whether they have been trained by the professional Food Sanitation and Safety courses do not make too much differences.


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