  • 學位論文


A Study of Productivity Improvement for P.C.B. Assembly Factory in High-Variety, Low-Volume and Order-based Production

指導教授 : 江行全 博士


資訊業的變化是所有產業中變化最快,產品的競爭淘汰也最為激烈,基板組裝則是資訊業產品的心臟。產品的設計開發往往要花上半年以上時間,而產品的生命週期從生產到銷售也幾乎在六至十二個月結束。企業對外在環境的低價格競爭,客戶對產品多樣少量化選擇,短交期,高品質要求,以及內部的產銷和諧運作,物料庫存低量化的控制,低生產成本高效率化需求。因此企業將如何運用現有人力,物力,財力等資源,去達到有效的多種少量分批訂單式生產力之提升,已是當前資訊業界基板組裝業者,不可避免的生產管理重要課題。 本研究之目的為,資訊業界的基板組裝業者,在多種少量分批訂單式生產力提升上,探討一些可行的生產管理方法之研究。其方法運用上則有;產銷協調方法,使雙方具有共識,以期生產順利且是有效的產出。在多種少量訂單生產式之生產計劃,物料計劃與倉儲管理上,對於材料分類與編碼系統設計方法,以期降低材料重複編碼之不良。另對多種少量生產材料存貨管理,所採用多次少量分批訂貨週期方式,對庫存量可達到較低的存量管理,且不致影響物料需求。並利用改良型 ABC物料管理,使耗用金額高的且共用性低之材料每月分成多批次採購。對多種少量分批訂單式生產管制,以月為參考日程計劃,以週為主要掌控生產進度,運用白板每日進度追蹤。委外加工是增加工廠產能與降低生產成本,有效且不錯的方法。在生產績效管理上,利用每日的生產效率統計,及時對效率低落之預防與改善。在製程設計提升效率改善方法上,本研究中值得一提的是利用群組技術,將各種相似性的印刷電路板特徵分類,做成混合板生產,以達到化少量為大量之生產方式,對提升生產效率上可達到很高之效果。最終以期達到多種少量分批訂單式生產力提升(提高生產效率,降低生產成本及減少庫存)之結果。本論文中並針對所提出提升生產力之方法舉出實例,並以量與質之方法評估其成效,在實務運用貢獻上可產生很高之成效。


The computer industry is the most changeable industry. The competition and phase-out of computer products is extremely stiff. The printed circuit board (PCB) assembly is the heart of computer products. The research and development of a product may take over half a year, but the life cycle of the product, from manufacturing to marketing, may not retain more than a year. The company faces severe pressure from external environment such as low-price competition, high-variety and low-volume product orders, short delivery, and high quality, and internal environment such as smooth interaction between production and marketing, low inventory level, low production cost, and high production efficiency. Therefore, how to employ limited resources to achieve an effective high-variety and low-volume (small batch) production, so as to enhance its productivity, has been a critical and unavoidable problem for the company in PCB assembly. In this study, the major purpose is for the company in PCB assembly to improve the productivity (high production efficiency, low production cost and reduction inventory) a high-variety and small-batch production management. Several approaches have been applied in this study, We first coordinate production and marketing departments, so that the production will be smooth and effective. In material and warehouse management, a coding and classification system is applied to reduce the duplication of material coding. A high frequency, small lot order policy is used to lower inventory level, yet still fulfill the requirements. Especially, a modified ABC rule is used to identify those high consumption, low commonality items. These items will be ordered more frequently. In production control, monthly master schedule is used as a reference, weekly schedule is used to control production progress, and daily schedule is recorded on a white board to trace daily production status. Subcontracting is an alternative for increasing the production capacity and reducing production cost. In production efficiency management, the daily production efficiency is calculated and recorded, so that the low production efficiency problem will be prevented, or promptly solved. At last, it is noteworthy that the Group Technology (GT) is used to classify different PC boards into families based on their similarities. A common board is then designed for the boards with specific similarities. Therefore, some small batches can be merged into a larger batch. This approach simplifies the process design and improves the production efficiency and productivity on the shop floor. In this study, Several examples have been applied to improve the productivity, and it has employing quantitative and qualitative methodology to evaluate the effectiveness, this study proves very high performance in PCB assembly factory of the computer industry. It has significant contribution to the practical usage.


Ongoing Improvement目標--簡單而有效率的常識管理,齊若蘭
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