  • 學位論文


Developing A Risk Management System For The Implementation of E-Government─A Case Study of the University Campus-wide E-Document Project

指導教授 : 陳啟光 博士


本文主要目的係透過建構一套風險管理模式來探討電子化政府推動計畫之相關風險,藉以提升計畫執行的成功率。根據近年來世界各國積極推動電子化政府均遭遇到失敗率偏高的問題,因而紛紛提出運用風險管理的構想,然而回顧已發表之相關文獻,我們發現各國推動電子化政府的風險管理仍多偏重於風險之辨認、分析與監控組織之建立等三方面,有關風險衡量的部分仍缺乏深入的探討。就風險衡量與決策密切的關係而言,假若風險不能準確地被衡量,那將導致決策錯誤發生的可能,是故風險衡量實為建構風險管理模式之重要關鍵。為達到提升電子化政府相關推動計畫成功率及正確衡量風險之目的,本研究發展一套風險管理模式,其模式之建構理論基礎為結合修正期望效用理論與Kontio et. al(1997)提出之Riskit風險管理技術兩者,然後再根據本研究所構建之風險管理模式,我們完整地進行推動計畫之風險辨認、分析、衡量及監控等項目之探討。為求驗證本研究所提出模式之可行性,我們以某大學的電子公文資訊推動計畫為對象,進行實地研究。根據研究結果顯示,本研究提出的風險管理模式可獲取更精確的風險衡量,同時能更全面地反映各個利害關係人在損失情況下的風險態度。上述分析結果所代表之意義,在本文中有進一步的探討。


The objective of this paper is to develop a risk management model for the implementation of E-Government. During the last decade, E-Government was actively prompted in many countries. However, according to the statistics revealed by OECD, the failure rate of their plans was around 80%. So as to use risk management to resolve this dilemma becomes a popular thing. But we found what they have done so far are only in risk identification, risk analyses, and building the infrastructure of risk management. No study has been found to deal with risk measurement. As we know, risk measurement is also one of crucial factors in risk management. In this study, we intend to develop a risk management model for this purpose. The proposed model is basically revised from Riskit method, which was proposed by Kontio et al. (1997). We tried to use the non-expected utility theory for risk measurement. To make sure the feasibility of the proposed model, we conducted a field study. The research subject is a university campus-wide E-document project. Based on the result of this study, we found the risk measurement of the proposed model is more accurate than the Kontio’s Riskit model. That implies the proposed model is able to elicit the real risk attitude of each stakeholder rather than the Kontio’s model.


劉書宏(2011)。探討產品研發專案之風險評估模式- 以筆記型電腦表面材質為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2011.00630
