  • 學位論文


Estimation and analysis of the ability of organization learning

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


隨著新知識時代的來臨,知識已成為企業組織重要的無形資產。隨著資訊化、全球化的發展潮流,企業組織面臨知識成長快速且環境快速變動的時代,如何保持現在的企業優勢或改變組織策略定位來追趕對手,為了快速回應競爭挑戰及市場變遷,組織必須變得很有彈性;組織必須持續不斷地進行學習來增加本身的競爭力以及創造力。如何有效地進行組織學習一直是企業所關注的議題,也是眾多學者所研究的熱門主題。 許多組織理論學者研究組織學習過程在多年下來已有一定的理論基礎及貢獻,但如何真正去評估一個組織的學習能力表現卻很少有學者提出一個具有客觀性及公正性的衡量模式。本研究首先從眾多的文獻中整理出進行組織學習的關鍵過程,並將組織學習過程分為「知識蒐尋」、「知識辨識」、「知識蓄積」、「知識擴散」以及「知識創新」五個構面。接著針對兩家不同產業形態的組織發放本研究的調查問卷,藉著兩個案回收的樣本進行資料分析,最後將本研究之組織學習能力評估模式確定為「知識蒐尋」、「知識蓄積」、「知識擴散」以及「知識創新」四個構面。並藉由此評估量表對於不同產業之組織進行學習能力之評估。 本研究結果可以看出組織在不同產業環境下具有學習能力之差異性,提供企業組織進行組織學習時的良好評估依據,另一方面,組織管理人員可從受測的結果來改善組織內部容易產生學習障礙的缺失並加強組織之競爭能力。


In the age of knowledge, knowledge has become important intangible asset of business organization. Confronting the trend of development of information and globalization, business organizations face the challenge of blooming information and rapid-changing environment. In order to retain the advantages of organization or transform organization strategy to keep up with competitors and rapidly response to competing challenges and market changes, organization must be flexible and keeping on learning to increase it’s own competing advantage and creativity. How to promote effective learning is always focused by business organizations and researchers. Many researchers of organizational theory indicate that organizational learning process has made an underlying foundation of theory and contribution. But how to estimate the ability of learning within an organization has relatively few objective and just estimation model. This research first collect the critical processes of organizational learning from mass references, and then categorize these processes into five aspects – knowledge collect、knowledge recognize、knowledge store、knowledge spread、knowledge create. Using the category above to analyze two different industrial types, to finalize this research we conclude that estimation transform into four aspects - knowledge collect、knowledge store、knowledge spread and knowledge create. And this research use this new category to estimate different type of industry. The result of this research indicate that different type of industrial environtment show different ability of learning, this result also provide a good estimate basis for organization which is making the process of organizational learning. On the other hand, managers can enhance the process of organizational learning according to the result of survey.
