  • 學位論文


Manufacturing Data Modeling and Cost Analysis of Printed Circuit Board Industry

指導教授 : 蔡介元 博士


印刷電路板(Printed Circuit Board, PCB)的功能,在於提供各種電子零組件安裝(Assembly)及互連(Interconnection)所需的平台基地;由於生產過程的繁瑣與複雜,使得電路板產業的分工十分細膩,可分為上游電路板設計(Design)及配置(Layout)、中游電路板印刷(Print)及製造(Manufacture)與下游電路板半成品加工及裝配(Assembly)等。分工細膩的產業特性,加上上中下游廠商散佈全球各地,使此產業儼然形成一龐大供應鏈(Supply Chain, SC)體系。 此一產業內上游與中游廠商之間的業務往來,主要針對上游設計之電路板規格進行詢價、評估可製造性(Manufacturability)與估算報價(Quote)等動作;此等動作會因地理疆界與既有組織的隔閡,而影響設計規格資料的傳遞、評估及估價。在可製造性評估方面,以往學者雖以不同資料模型描述、呈現所交換之上游設計規格與中游生產能力資料,供中游廠商評估設計規格之可製造性,但當中存有交換資料缺乏定義、評估項目有限、整合性不足等缺失;在報價估算方面,過去雖以專業人員之經驗法則估算設計規格報價,或以學者提出之成本模型、活動基礎成本法(Activity-Based Costing, ABC)計算生產所需成本,供中游廠商作為報價估算的根據,但當中仍有精確性不足、耗時耗力、完整性不足等問題。 有鑒於此產業內各中游廠商,以往在評估上游廠商電路板產品設計規格之可製造性與估算報價時,所普遍存在之上述各項問題,本研究提出一系統方法加以解決。本研究首先對可製造性評估與報價估算等活動加以分析,找出活動執行時所需各項資料,並依此分別建立可製造性評估模組與報價估算模組。可製造性評估模組係以STEP國際產品資料交換標準(Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data)為基準,針對上游與中游廠商間欲交換之電路板設計規格及中游廠商現有生產能力等資料加以定義及詮釋;之後,再以C++程式語言建立可製造性評估準則,以評估現場製程能力對於設計規格之可製造性。報價估算模組係以類神經網路為基礎,先以蒐集之規格報價資料對網路加以訓練、測試,以建立適合估算電路板報價之類神經網路架構;之後,再將經評估為可製造之電路板設計規格輸入網路,以估算出規格所對應之報價。最後將兩者以一系統化方式整合,並結合可供使用者於網際網路使用之使用者介面,以即時評估上游設計規格之可製造性及估算報價,藉此達到快速反應(Quick Response, QR)上游廠商各項需求的目的。


Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is an important platform that provides fundamental interconnected function for all virtually electronic components. A current business reality in PCB industry is that the original design companies outsource PCB production to qualified original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). That is, design and fabrication activities of PCBs is usually separated and distributed in different geographic locations. Therefore, PCB design engineers are hard to acquire manufacturing process knowledge to make good decisions concerning product manufacturability. This reveals the importance and necessity of an inter-organizational PCB design information exchange system for manufacturability analysis. Meanwhile, original design companies are looking for OEM suppliers that can provide quick response on quotation according desired configurations. The information is valuable, because design engineers can modify the design accordingly based on what-if cost analysis. In order to promote PCB manufacturability analysis, researches contribute several information models based on standard for the exchange of product (STEP) and written in EXPRESS. To systematically evaluate the quotation of PCBs, several researches are conducted. They proposed some activity-based cost (ABC) models for predicting the manufacturing cost of PCB product in order to analysis the quotation of PCBs. Although described researches are trying to provide solutions for PCB manufacturability and quote analysis, some major problems have been identified. First, those manufacturability models is designated to operated in an isolated organization, but not for inter-organizational collaboration. They are all short of providing integration methodology for design and manufacturing information in an on-line environment. Second, the quote analysis such as ABC would take a long time to analyze each individual activity so that it is hard to be utilized in on-line inter-organization. To address these issues, this paper presents an on-line inter-organizational PCB manufacturability evaluation and quotation system (PCB-MEQS). The system consists of three modules: manufacturability evaluation module, neural network based quotation module and user interface. Manufacturability evaluation module, based on EXPRESS object-oriented modeling, is able to captures design specifications and manufacturing process restriction under an inter-organizational environment. A rule-based mechanism is embedded in the module to check the validity of a PCB design. To provide precise and rapid quote response, we develop a neural network based quotation module. The network, trained by historical data, stores every possible quote instance in its connection weights so that it can response instantly to a new request. Our experiment shows that proposed neural network quote method performs much faster than ABC method with less than 5 % error rate. Finally, a web-based user interface is constructed to integrate the two modules. Through this interface PCB design engineers can assess their design specifications by acknowledging its manufacturability and quotation. It is believed that proposed PCB-MEQS system can be efficient and effective to the inter-organizational cooperation of PCB industry.


dimensions in laser surface hardening processes with


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