  • 學位論文


Enterprise Information and Knowledge Management: Case study in Securities Industries

指導教授 : 盧以詮


這個知識經濟時代中,知識工作者已經負荷過多的資訊,有效率且有效地擷取資訊已經成為影響工作者生產量的重要因素。如何提供公司內部更適切資訊」的範圍,如何針對外部資訊發展出更嚴謹的蒐集與分析,將逐漸成為企業組織與資訊專家必須面對的重大挑戰。 證券分析業是典型的知識產業,隨著資訊科技的進步,網際網路環境的日漸成熟,善用網際網路的優勢並運用科技以提升蒐集資料、分析資料、撰寫投資計畫及投資研究報告的效率已是必然的趨勢。再加上證券投資分析業正面臨:建立一時間序列性資料倉儲系統的重要性及迫切性,研究報告製作的效率性及專業形象的提升、進行知識管理提升組織智慧增強環境適應力。 而EIP/EKP(Enterprise Information Portal / Enterprise Knowledge Portal)主要協助企業透過單一通路揭露內部產生及外來所儲存之資訊,提供不同使用者做不同之應用,提供使用者正確且快速的資訊,進行報告分析、預測,達成顧客關係管理及工作流程管理。 本研究之研究方法主要是透過實際訪談,進行需求分析、系統規劃,建立一個以時間序列性倉儲化之財務金融資料庫架構為主的EIP/EKP,以達到進行財務金融分析決策支援的應用,與企業之資訊與知識管理。 本研究所提供之效益包括:透過資訊技術協助研究部門進行知識管理;讓研究部門對投資客戶提供加值服務;藉著知識管理,增加基金經理人獲利能力;整合各部門資訊,累積公司智慧資產;藉由知識管理,增強企業管理能力,提昇公司整體競爭力,強化企業的知識管理。


We propose a knowledge discovery and knowledge management process for equity management institutions. We implement the process on a financial decision support system, which is able to convert data from various sources into predefined data warehouse, and to provide efficient data retrieval with OLAP tool. We focus on the system analysis of the system, which includes the detailed daily operations in a securities research department, the periodical reports and templates design, the data flows of each template from the data warehouse to the desktop, the management hierarchy as well as the security control for the research database and the enterprise information portal, and finally, the links of various approved reports to the corporate Web pages design. With the use of this system, securities analysts can freely select groups of data to write reports, and to run earnings models or to simulate various financial models based on either their expertise or the shared knowledge from preliminary results of other qualitative analysis. The newly generated information (both data and reports) will then be stored and managed in the system as part of company’s intellectual assets, and can be used as references either to the corporate clients via internet or through wireless instruments for customer relationship management purposes, as well as simply for internal performance evaluations.


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