  • 學位論文


Using Fuzzy Association Rule Algorithms to Enhance New Product Development

指導教授 : 蔡介元


在現今競爭激烈的全球市場中,消費者的自我意識增強,在購買某項產品時,多包含了大量個人化的需求。產品設計人員若能在設計的過程中掌握消費者喜好與需求,則設計的產品就能比其他產品容易脫穎而出,成為公司競爭優勢的重要利器。因此,瞭解與分析消費者喜好的訊息,讓產品設計人員針對市場的需求,開發容易受到消費者青睞的產品,就成為產品開發過程中的首要工作。 資料挖掘(Data mining)技術中的關聯法則(Association Rules),正可被用來找出消費者與產品之間的關係,讓設計人員開發出迎合消費者興趣的產品。雖然藉由關聯法則可以得到消費者喜好之產品規則,讓設計人員藉由這些規則做為設計產品的參考,然而卻無法考慮到消費者對於產品的負面評價,因為某些產品特徵是消費者心中所不喜愛的。此外,在關聯法則的產生過程中,通常我們會對數值型資料給予區間範圍的分割。過去的研究大多憑藉主觀的方式將數值型資料予以區間分割,然而,有資料該歸屬於哪個資料區間內是屬於模糊的歸屬關係,在缺乏客觀性的區間範圍設定下,經常導致挖掘的結果有所誤差。 有鑑於此,本論文建構一個正向與負向關聯法則挖掘系統,根據消費者對於產品的喜好程度,找出消費者喜好與不喜好之產品特徵組合,讓設計人員得到正面與負面的設計參考資訊。另外,本研究運用模糊集合的概念將數值型資料模糊化,衡量出每筆數值型資料對於每個模糊語意區間的歸屬程度,改善以往研究無法處理模糊兩可的歸屬關係。本研究首先將消費者基本資料轉換成模糊集合的表示方式,接著利用模糊關聯法則演算法(Fuzzy Transaction Data-mining Algorithm, FTDA)產生消費者基本資料之高頻項目集,當使用者選定欲分析之消費族群後,將符合此消費族群之喜好資料以FTDA演算法找出消費者喜好資料之高頻項目集。最後,再利用產生之消費者喜好資料的高頻項目集去進行正向與負向關聯法則的判斷,以挖掘出正向關聯法則與負向關聯法則。 為驗證本研究之可行性,我們首先以行動電話為研究範例,建構一個以模糊關聯法則為基礎之產品開發系統,接著利用線上問卷的方式收集真實消費者基本資料與喜好資料,將消費者與行動電話之各項產品選件,進行正向與負向關聯法則的挖掘,藉由挖掘的結果幫助設計人員能開發出受到消費者青睞的產品,以達成增加顧客滿意度及提升產品銷售量之目標。另外,在數值型資料進行模糊化的過程中,使用者可彈性設定不同的模糊歸屬函數,以滿足不同設計人員對於模糊語意認知不同的需求。


In today’s competitive market, consumer-oriented product development should be intensified to meet consumers’ various requirements. If product designers can comprehend the preferences of the targeted consumers, the developed products will be remarkable and popular. Therefore, how to help designer understand and analyze consumers’ favors becomes one of the most important tasks in new product development. Association rule algorithm, an essential technique in the data mining applications, can be used to find out the relation between consumers and products. Although generated association rules can help designers make a better design, most of association rule algorithms cannot generate the rules to reflect consumers’ negative comments. In addition, association rules algorithms cannot handle numerical data. Most previous researches transform numerical data to categorical data in a subjective way. However, the approaches typically result in inaccurate association rules because of lacking an objective process. To conquer the limitations mentioned above, this thesis provides a methodology to generate positive and negative association rules using fuzzy set theory. First, this research transforms consumers’ demographic and preference data using fuzzy membership functions of respective fuzzy linguistic terms. This approach can improve the inappropriate categorization of numerical data. Then, a fuzzy transaction data-mining algorithm is applied to generate frequent itemsets of consumers’ demographic and preference data. Finally, this thesis adopts positive and negative justification criteria to decide whether a frequent itemsets can be positive (or negative) rules or not. To show the feasibility, this study takes cellular phone products as an example and establishes a fuzzy based product development system. The consumers’ personal data and preferences are gathering with online questionnaires using web technology. Designers can change several parameter values of the system to generate variant association rules. With this system, designers can get more information for developing products that satisfy consumer’s requirements.


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