  • 學位論文


A combination of Design Structural Matrix and Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory to new product development: A fuzzy set theory application

指導教授 : 張洝源


近年來,企業正面臨著日益競爭及全球化商業環境,唯有重視產品改善與創新,並快速回應市場需求,才能在全球性的競爭環境中生存與茁壯。台灣的產業型態以中小企業為主,產品開發能力較弱,且新產品開發時程太長。縮短產品開發時程、提高產品品質與降低成本,是保持競爭優勢的必備條件。新產品開發在設計與發展時期的整合顯得相當重要,設計者如果能充分了解各零件之間的相互關聯性,將有助於提升新產品研發之效能。 從產品開發管理的角度思考,產品內部組成零件增加到某種程度,管理者將面臨視覺上分辨之困難,傳統的PERT、CPM使用上會受到限制,需要更多功能的分析工具協助,設計結構矩陣 (Design Structure Matrix, DSM)的方法將各元素的彼此間關聯性以矩陣與圖形方式來呈現,可用以分析主零件與次零件之間獨立性、相依性、交互耦合性之關聯屬性。本研究再運用模糊理論,由產品設計者針對零件的關係利用模糊函數評估零件各項關係值,進而使用決策試驗與實驗評估法 (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)評估零件關聯性強度,協助產品開發設計者能快速得知各模組的關鍵零件,以縮短產品開發時程,使企業保持競爭優勢。


In face of growing competitions and the global business environment, enterprises have been forced to pay attention to product improvement and innovation and quickly react to market demands, so as to survive and grow in the globally competitive environment. In Taiwan, local industries are based on small and medium-sized enterprises, which have weaker product development abilities and need longer time to develop new products. However, shortening of product development time, improvement of product quality, and cost reduction are essential for them to maintain competitive advantages. Integration of the design and development of new products has thus become very important. If designers can sufficiently understand the relationships between product components, they can enhance their new product development efficiency. From the perspective of product development management, when the number of product components increases to a certain extent, it will become difficult for managers to visually distinguish these components. Their use of conventional PERT and CPM will also be confined. More functional assistance may be needed. Design Structure Matrix (DSM) is intended to present the relationships between components in matrix structures. This method can be used to analyze the independent, dependent, and interdependent between main components and sub components. According to the fuzzy theory, this study used triangular fuzzy numbers to evaluate the relations of components and further employed Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) to evaluate the intensity of the relations. Through this approach, designers could quickly identify the key components of each module to shorten product development time and help their enterprises maintain competitive advantages.


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