  • 學位論文


Exploring the Marketing Communication and Consumer Satisfaction of Mobile Value-added Services for Mobile Portal Site

指導教授 : 王小惠


繼網際網路為主的電子商務(E-commerce)之後,行動商務(M-commerce)因行動通訊市場的倍速成長而日受矚目。行動加值服務具有無所不在(ubiquity)、個人化服務(personalization)、定址性(locatization)等不同於網際網路或其他電子媒體的特質,使得行動商務市場中買賣雙方資訊流通更加順暢、更透明化。用戶利用手機等行動通訊裝置,經由行動入口網站取得各種產品服務,而且行動入口網站也是手機系統業者與用戶互動的管道,所以手機系統業者所經營的行動入口網站若能夠滿足消費者需求、提高顧客滿意度,並且獲得消費者價值認同,不但對電信系統業者增加營收具有實質意義,同時也讓電信系統業者的品牌權益存在相依的效果。 研究結果顯示消費者對行動入口網站的產品失驗、屬性資訊滿意度對顧客滿意都有顯著正向影響。行動行銷傳播評量構面之中,「產品服務內容」、「價格」、「使用介面」、「客戶服務」等三項的失驗評估對顧客滿意度具有顯著影響;「產品服務內容」、「使用介面」、「隱私安全」、「廣告促銷」等四項的屬性資訊滿意度對顧客滿意度具有顯著影響,但是屬性資訊滿意度對顧客滿意度的影響力比失驗還強。行動入口網站七項行銷傳播評量構面之中,以「使用介面」對顧客滿意度最具有預測效力,所以消費者對行動入口網站使用介面使用經驗愈好、滿意度愈高,更能夠提升行動入口網站整體的顧客滿意度。


In recent years, mobile commerce has led researchers and marketers to focus their attention on the potential of marketing communication in mobile media. Mobile media has several distinguishing characters such as ubiquity, personalization and locatization from Internet and other media, that make transaction easier and clearer. User can access vary products and services provided by mobile portal site through mobile terminals, such as mobile phones and PDAs. Mobile portal site provided by operators or MNOs also connect to users via portal site. Marketers must satisfy users’ needs with high value-added services, increase their consumer satisfaction to get their consumer value. Thus telecommunication companies not only increase both voice and data services revenue, but also win their brand equity. An empirical study of mobile portal sites was based on twp satisfaction models: Expectancy Disconfirmation and Attribute Information-based, then tied in with extant theories about marketing communication, consumer satisfaction and mobile marketing related literatures. The effect of consumer satisfaction with seven mobile portal site marketing communication evaluation components on customers’ satisfaction of value-added services, portal site and operator was measured. Customers’ satisfaction was influenced by their disconfirmation with product/service, price, user interface and customer service provided by the portal. Additionally, customers’ satisfaction was influenced by their attribute information satisfaction with product/service, user interface, transaction security and advertising/promotion activities providred by the portal. However, the data show that positive overall satisfaction is mostly influenced by attribute information satisfactionand not disconfirmation. A strong positive effect of user interface on customers’ overall satisfaction was found. It is suggested that user interface of mobile portal site has the greatest predicted power in customers’ satisfaction then other marketing communication components.


Advani, R. & Choudhury, K. (2001). Making the most of B2C wireless. Business Strategy Review, 12(2), 39-49.


