  • 學位論文


Tribological Model in Metal Forming Processes

指導教授 : 徐澤志


目前用於鈑金成形過程的電腦模擬,常無視於摩擦的複雜性及重要性,而 大都使用簡單的摩擦模式(Simple Friction Model)如庫侖法則,將摩擦 係數視為常數。然而,真實的摩擦模式(Real Friction Model)必須包含 模具與工件介面之間的摩擦與潤滑之過程參數。這些參數,可分為內在參 數(Internal Variables)與外在參數(External Variables);內在參數, 如潤滑液厚度、模具和工件的表面粗度,傳統的外在參數,如介面壓力、 表面滑動速度等而分佈於介面間的摩擦力,可利用此兩組參數計算得之。 本論文旨在探討金屬成形過程中,各項內在參數與外在參數的相互影響, 其中包含介面組合表面粗度、潤滑液厚度與接觸面積的相互關係、以及潤 滑液因本身性質改變而對介面磨潤模式所造成的影響,本論文可分為兩大 部份﹕第一部份,探討潤滑液在黏性流體狀態由混合油膜潤滑形式到邊界 潤滑形式之過程中,各參數的相互影響,並探討傳統厚油膜理論與混合油 膜理論所預測油膜厚度的差異。本論文第二部份,主要研究潤滑液在高壓 狀態下的黏塑效應( Viscoplastic Effect),探討在高壓或集中接觸的應 變率,黏性流体在臨界剪應力作用下,將變成塑性流體,並造成油膜厚度 的急劇減少,產生所謂的潤滑中斷的現象。為便於分析的工作易於進行, 本論文主要針對鈑金成形過程中,探討潤滑液在進入區的研究,希望藉此 兩大部份的討論,可以提供鈑金成形過程電腦模擬,更真實的摩擦模式。


潤滑 潤滑中斷 黏塑效應


Despite the complexity of friction, most current simulations in the metal forming process use simple friction model such as Amontons-Coulomb constant friction cofficient. A realistic friction model should take into account of the fundamental processes parameters involved in friction and lubrication at the tooling/workpiece interface,such as:internal variables and external variables. "Internal variables"inculde lubrication film thickness, tooling roughness and pressure and material sliding velocity. Friction can be calculated by coupling these variables. There are two parts in the thesis. The influence between internal variables and external variables in the mixed lubrication regime and boundary regime is discussed at first. Then, the lubrication breakdown problem which occured at the conditions of high pressure and strain rate in concentrated contacts is investigated also. The results of these two parts will then applied to the inlet zone analysis in the sheet metal forming process, and provide a more realistic friction model for the computer simulation.
