  • 學位論文


A Study on the Transformation of the Taiwanese Developmental State:With the Democratic Progress Party government’s economic plans as an example(2000-2005)

指導教授 : 王佳煌


在1997年金融危機之後,亞洲許多國家,包括台灣在內,均遭受諸如低經濟成長率,高失業率等等的經濟難題與挑戰。民進黨於2000年執政後,未能扭轉乾坤,台灣經濟環境更趨惡劣。本研究藉由發展型國家模型為理論基礎,透過分析民進黨不同時期的內閣經濟計畫,以研究台灣政黨輪替後國家職能的轉換。 本文在第二章中,分析比較相關學者的研究及報告等文獻,闡釋發展型國家理論及國家職能的相關概念;其次分別在三、四、五章中介紹評析民進黨政府的經濟表現、經濟計畫及財經官僚體系,在第六章論斷民進黨政府與國民黨政府雖有相似的政府架構(領航職能),但內閣與經濟計畫卻改變頻繁,導致缺乏持續且一貫的經濟政策,以解決經濟難題。 總之,本文認為發展型國家理論仍能用於解釋政黨輪替後的國家職能,特別是針對歷經民主化、自由化及私有化的國家(例如台灣)。此外,台灣政府亟需一套完整一貫的經濟計畫,以解決我國和已發展國家共同面臨的三大挑戰:全球化、科技發展及環境保護。


After the financial crisis in 1997, many Asian countries including Taiwan suffered great economic difficulties like low economic growth rate, high unemployment rate and so on. In 2000 the DPP in place of KMT as the government party made Taiwan economic environment worse. We apply the model of developmental state as theoretic construction to study the topic on transformation of state capacity in Taiwan after DPP as the party in power by analyzing the economic planning of government in different periods of .the Ministry. In chapter 2, we explain what the theory of developmental state and the concept of state capacity and steering capacity are by analyzing and comparing the papers or literatures of many scholars on the aspect. After discussing the economic planning of three different Ministry, respectively in chapter3, 4, and 5, we find that DPP government has the similar steering capacity like KMT but she changes the Ministry and economic planning frequently. This not only results in the lack of continuity of economic policies but also does little help to solve the economic problems. We argue that the main cause is the defective design of power and government in Constitution. That is the President has the power to influence or decide the economic policies but no responsibility. In conclusion, we think that the theory of developmental state can still be applied to explain the state capacity of the developmental countries after the change of government party, especially the one experiencing democratization, liberalization and .privatization such as Taiwan. Moreover, our government needs to formulate the comprehensive long-term planning to deal with the same three challenges faced by the developed countries: globalization, development of technology and environment protection
