  • 學位論文

策略聯盟下之平衡計分卡探討 ─ 以LED業為例

A study on Strategic Alliance through Balanced Scorecarding

指導教授 : 陳以明教授


臺灣的經濟體系是以中小企業為主體,其堅韌的適應性,為台灣創下舉世矚目的經濟奇蹟,近幾年來由於國內外政經情勢變化快速,中小企業經營日益艱困,在面對資源豐富的跨國企業集團的強勢競爭之下,常有力不從心的感嘆。故台灣企業如何在此一變化迅速的經營環境中維持其市場地位,並強化其競爭優勢,可說是現今台灣企業經營管理的重要課題。而「策略聯盟」提供一整合資源、合作交流,以協助突破台灣企業在資金、人力、技術等資源面的規模障礙之策略方案,可說是未來台灣企業賴以維持競爭優勢之一項競爭利器。而如何使台灣企業妥善運用策略聯盟,結合聯盟各成員之資源,以合作方式取代過去單打獨鬥、相互競爭之方式,共同因應日趨激烈的國際競爭環境。 但過去針對策略聯盟之研究亦指出,策略聯盟若未能有效的規劃、執行與評量,其結果可能導致聯盟成員之相互猜疑,或無法配合各成員之組織與目標等,造成資金與人力投入此聯盟後,無法得到預期之聯盟目標。因此適時地導入績效評估制度,將有助於企業在策略聯盟時,可以有效評估其執行績效,避免陷入績效不彰的困境,甚至導致聯盟解散之命運。 在LED產業之中,由於上中下游之間所面臨之瓶頸與限制,經常牽動著彼此之間的決策方向,因此策略聯盟之架構更於近年來形成一股風氣,然而在策略聯盟執行的過程之中,如何評量其聯盟之後的績效,避免於執行之中行成種種的猜忌,而使聯盟破局,進而影響彼此之競爭力降低,因此本研究將探討平衡計分卡在LED產業間策略聯盟的架構方式,並經由個案導入的分析驗證其成果。以期有效規劃策略聯盟並評量之,使企業在激烈的國際競爭環境中,能有效的提升競爭能力。


The major of the economic system in Taiwan is the small business enterprise. Its adaptability of fortitude and resilience creates Taiwan economic miracle. Due to the change of the economics and governments in the domestic international market, and the transnational enterprises with rich resource, it’s difficult to manage increasingly. To maintain the position in the changeable environment and enhance its competition is the important topic. ‘Strategic alliance’ provides integration resource and cooperation exchanges to break the obstacle of strategy project that includes the funds, manpower, technique…etc. ‘Strategic alliance’ can be said the sharp weapon in the future of Taiwan. Using the strategic alliance resource appropriately will take the place of the old competition and respond the vigorous international environment. The research points out if the strategic alliance cannot be effectively planned, evaluated and done, it would result in member’s suspicion and fail to arrive at the target of organization. Using the evaluation system in time will help the enterprise evaluate its result and avoid the dilemma and the destiny of alliance dismiss. The up, middle and downstream of LED industry face their bottleneck during the process usually affects each other, so the structure of the strategic alliance becomes a trend in recent years. The partner suspect each other during the process, The results will eliminate the operator’s competive ability and even disintegrate, So it should to evaluate the partners practing performance. Thence, the study on strategic alliauce of LED industry using the balanced scorecard. As the results, the competive ability had been promoted by strategic alliance offectively in high competition market.


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1. 吳青松,公平交易法對產業研發策略聯盟規範之比較探討,公平交易法與產業發展學術研討會論文集,國立中興經濟研究所、行政院公平交易委員會,81 年9 月。


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