  • 學位論文


The Study of Internet Approaches to Marketing Communications

指導教授 : 陳家祥博士


網際網路科技的應用,就如同蒸氣引擎與電話的發明一般,徹底地改變人類的生活,也改變了企業競爭的方式。電子口碑傳播,其影響力已經超越實體的人際接觸,傳播範圍也更廣更快,網際網路藉者傳播功能的優勢,提供了企業一個低成本的直接溝通管道,以更有效、更直接的方式與目標群眾溝通,直接與客戶互動的溝通模式,已經徹底了改變以往的行銷溝通方式。 如何地有效地使用網路科技以創造企業的行銷溝通成效,是行銷人員在網際網路時代必須思考關心的議題。本文透過台灣資生堂Taphy系列化妝品網路行銷個案的分析,探討企業應用網際網路於行銷溝通活動的重要性以及成效,並分析行銷溝通策略與網際網路策略對於網際網路行銷溝通應用的影響、適用於網際網路的行銷溝通活動、以及網際網路行銷溝通應用所帶給企業的具體成效。除此之外,本文也針對企業在行銷溝通的領域中,如何有效地應用網際網路,以提升整體行銷溝通成效,作出具體的建議。


Similar to the invention of engines and telephones, the applications of Internet has already altered our daily life as well as the operation of today’s businesses. Word-of-mouth through Internet becomes even more influential than the usual interpersonal communications. With its advantage in communications, Internet has provided today’s enterprises with a cost-effective channel to communicate with their customers directly. Internet offers a new way of communications for today’s marketers. Taking the most advantages of Internet applications will help marketers to maximize the benefits of their marketing mix. Through the case study of Shishedo Taiwan, this research discussed how the corporate marketing communication strategy and Internet strategy influence the benefit of Internet marketing communications, analyzed what the most appropriate marketing communication elements that can be applied on Internet are, and the benefits of Internet approaches to marketing communication. In additional, this research also suggested several feasible measures for enterprises to apply Internet approaches in their marketing communication mix.


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侯雅丰(2009)。行銷溝通對滿意度與忠誠度的影響 -以資訊網路零售商為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.00031
