  • 學位論文


The Design and Management of Marketing Channels in Mainland China: A Case Study of Personal Computer Industry

指導教授 : 蘇婉如


摘要 在中國大陸近13億人口、外匯高居全球第二的條件下,多數人直覺上認為中國大陸市場潛力雄厚,紛紛搶進中國大陸市場,電子資訊業廠商亦復如此;但是,若果將土地面積高達957萬平方公里的中國大陸視為單一市場,不做適當的切割與細分,企圖透過統一的行銷手法攫取市場佔有率,恐怕多不能得到預期的成果。策略思考過程是企業經營的核心所在,當企業面臨環境的變化或企業自我的成長時,隨著企業本身所產生的經營目標或使命,相對於面對著需完成的使命或目標,其策略必須隨之而生。 渠道模式是一個廣義的概念,從渠道到廠商是轉,從分銷到集成也是轉,從以産品爲中心到以服務爲中心同樣還是轉。今天的市場形式表明,轉型已成爲每個渠道公司必然的選擇,而這也正是我們探討渠道經營這個話題更深層次的理由。 掌握通路就掌握市場,企業經營通路,面對產業的激烈競爭,如何掌握通路,進而踏出內化通路,優化通路的策略及做法,這是本研究希望能夠經由電腦及周邊產業的大陸內銷經驗,淬取出的營銷通路課題。


ABSTRACT With 1.3 billion population and the fastest growth mometum in the PC & related pheripherals, Mainland China is no wonder the most attractive market for almost all over the world. It will be very possible that China will become the 2nd largest PC market between 2003-2004. However, with price erotion and strong competition of local brand vendors, it is said that all the price in world will have to ‘converge’ to ‘Chinese price’ if the merchandise intend to be successful. This research is based on an in-deepth case study of a Taiwanese IT(information technology) company, who invest in a variety of field in China. The channel marketing is on it’s way of transformation, from distribution network to system integrator, from dealer to VAR(value-added reseller), from product oriented to service oriented. How to realize a sophisticated channel strategy covering different factors as: Channel intensity, channel control, push and pull model for the marketing communications. All of these effort has to focus in solidifying channel network and improve its competitiveness. Embeddedness and optimize the channel will plan an important role in this topic.


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