  • 學位論文


Factors Influencing MOEA'S Technical Development Program Performance─A Case of CSIST

指導教授 : 陳家祥


摘要 中山科學研究院配合政府提昇產業競爭力及業界需求,自八十四年度起執行經濟部科技專案計畫。主要目的係運用多年之國防研發能量與經驗,協助國內產業提升開發產品之技術水準,開拓國內外市場,提高國際競爭力。綜言之,係運用中科院「國防科技」核心能量,以及「系統整合」經驗,有效結合廠商既有優勢條件,提昇技術能力,開發具經濟效益之民生產品,並輔導廠商參與軍品研製,發揮軍轉民、民通軍之互補綜效,以建構全民國防體系,促進國家總體經濟發展為目標。但執行科專十年來,中科院在研發成果擴散上成效有限、不如經濟部預期及產業界期盼。 本文則針對中山科學研究院影響「經濟部科技專案」執行績效相關因素作研究。作者擬以一個實際從事研發人員的觀點,以本研究所提出的執行科專績效觀念性模式架構,對中科院中各所科專負責人進行個案訪談,期能找出影響科專執行績效相關重要因素。經訪談資料整理、交叉分析後,定義出新的『影響中科院執行科專績效模式架構』並提出下列研究發現: 一、 科專需要有清楚的定位及完善策略規劃 二、 科專負責人都具有技術專業與資源整合能力 三、 執行科專需強化『系統工程與管理』運用 四、 科專團隊特質--以技術人力為主,團隊不具有市場行銷經驗 五、 執行科專需建立健全的科專技術商品化發展機制 六、 缺乏完善的獎勵與昇遷制度 七、 科專技術管理方式需強調好的IP產出佈局及規劃 八、 執行科專組織體制需活化、更有彈性 九、 某些特定的科專項目會因業界需求,造成相關人才流失




Abstract In comply with government policy to build up nation’s industrial capabilities and core competence, the Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) has involved the MOEA’s (Ministry Of Economic Affair) technical development program since 1995. The main propose of this activity is to take advantage of CSIST’s R&D competences and experiences and try to commercialize new products for market needs. In brief, this program is intended to combine CSIST’s “military defensive core technology” and “system integration experience” with superiorities of local industries to develop highly competitive and effective products which are benefit to “nationwide military defensive system” and “gross economical development”. However, after ten years, the performance and results of CSIST has yet lined up with the expectation of industry participants and MOEA. This paper aims to discuss the reasons why the participation of CSIST to the MOEA program is not with great success and propose a number of factors affecting on CSIST performance for “MOEA’s technical development program”. Case studies and analysis were conducted with a number of in-depth interviews with managers (participants) and a number of findings were discussed and concluded as below. 1. There is a need for clear positioning and identified competitive strategy. 2. The program managers need to possess domain expertise and resources integration capability. 3. There is a need to enhance the capability of developing “system engineering management” applications. 4. Program managers and engineers need to strengthen their marketing knowledge and skills. 5. Need to build up a commercialized mechanism. 6. Need to build up and formalize rewarding and promotion mechanism. 7. Need to lay down a good IP layout and plan for program management. 8. More flexibility and practices are needed for the program organization. 9. Need to provide retention program to retain experienced engineers.


Commercialized Mechanism


1. 日比宗平(1989),楊平吉譯,「部門別績效評估實務」,台華工商企業叢書。17∼20。
2.艾爾.厄巴爾(Al Ehrbar) (2000),黃定遠譯,「經濟附加價值EVA入門全書」,新商業週刊出版。25
3. 彼得,杜拉克(2004),哈佛商業評論,高翠霜譯,「績效評估」,天下遠見出版公司。109∼115。
4. 彼得.杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker) (1998),周文祥、慕心等編譯,「巨變時代的管理」,中天出版社,101∼103。
