  • 學位論文


A Study On the License Leasing Practices of the Inland Container Transportation Industry-- Applying the Transaction Cost and the Network Theories

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


汽車運輸業的「靠行營業」現象在我國已行之有年,此種經營型態之形成有其歷史背景,包括政府對於車行的高門檻的管制、進出口貿易興旺、司機創業動機盛行、市場特性以及車行經營者的經營策略等等,是造成靠行營業一直存在的重要原因。 所謂「靠行營業」,係指車輛所有人(靠行車主)將車輛登記在車行名下,繳交一定之「靠行費」,而由靠行車主自行營業並自負盈虧;車行則提供靠行車主一般行政支援服務(牌照請領、換發、驗車、事故處理等等)。此種經營型態由於靠行費及車輛所有權等問題,車行與靠行車主間形成相當特殊的關係。 究竟車行經營者是如何抉擇接受靠行營運?車行經營者與靠行車主彼此關係又要如何解析?本研究試圖以「交易成本理論」分析車行經營者的經營策略;並以「社會網絡」角度解讀車行經營者與靠行車主的關係。 本研究透過業界的深入訪談與二手資料整理,了解目前汽車貨櫃運輸業之靠行營業情形,並發現除了交易成本理論論述之觀點外,包括歷史因素、社會關係以及經營者對待風險的態度等皆會影響車行經營者是否要外包的決策;本研究之結果,可使汽車貨櫃貨運業者瞭解目前的產業經營環境,同業對靠行制度之看法與態度,並可使政府主管機關在進行修改法令時之參考。


License leasing practices in the car transportation & delivering industry have been operating in Taiwan for years. Such business practices originated from multiple historical factors, including the strict control & limitation on the industry by government, the prosperity of both import & export businesses, the overwhelming self-employment phenomenon among drivers, the characteristics of the market, and the strategies by the owners of the car transportation companies. License leasing refers to the practices in which the actual owners of the vehicles have their vehicles registered legally under the car transportation & delivering companies they align with and pay them certain amount of align fees. Under such terms and conditions, the actual owners can either run businesses by themselves or take sales opportunities released from the companies of their alliance. Meanwhile, the companies will provide these actual vehicle owners with back-end administrative support such as license renewing, vehicle examination by the authorities, accident management and so on. This very type of business operation and the relations between the vehicle owners and the companies are both very unique. What exactly come to the minds of the company owners when they are evaluating the practices of license leasing? How should the interactions between the company owners and the vehicle owners be interpreted? This research tries to analyze the business strategies by the company owners with the theory of Transaction Cost Economics. It also tries to interpret the relations between the company and vehicle owners with the Network Theory. This research was conducted based on information collected via in-depth interviews with industry people and reviews on second-hand materials. It was done with the purpose of understanding the status quo of the license leasing practices among the inland container transportation industry as well as finding out the influence upon the decision-making process of license leasing contributed by historical factors, social relations, and the attitude of the company owners. The results of the research will enable the industry to better understand the overall environment. In the mean time, the government will be able to know the true opinions of the industry and obtain more valid references for consideration upon revising related regulations in the future.




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