  • 學位論文


Innovation Business Model in Traditional Industry-A Case of President Logistics International Corp.

指導教授 : 廖本哲


近年來,台灣傳統產業結構快速改變,面對工商業快速發展、網路多元化商業模式型態的改變,對於運輸服務水準之要求亦相對提昇,消費者對定點、及時、及戶之服務模式需求,使得傳統運輸業已由傳統之運價導向轉型為便利、即時之客製化服務導向,在客戶低成本及高服務品質的要求下,運輸業者在經營上面臨發展與生存的兩難情境中。 本研究試圖透過以捷盛運輸公司為研究對象,來探討運輸業者以有別於傳統運輸產業別的創新經營型態與所採用策略之關係。因此,本研究之目的如下: (一) 探討捷盛公司進行組織變革與創新經營型態模式的發展。 (二) 探討創新經營模式的經營績效關係。 (三) 探討創新經營模式對加盟司機工作動機及自我認知的影響 本研究旨在探討傳統運輸產業為何仿效以連鎖加盟制度的方式作為創新經營模式及作制度改變的源由、制度改變是為了要解決哪些問題及藉以瞭解制度改變後績效的改變等三大面向。但由於業界並無加盟制度的運輸公司,且由於產業別本質上的不同,另在連鎖加盟制度中,加盟主與企業間為策略夥伴的關係,不屬於傳統上對下的關係,故本研究將擬定一系列結構性問題經藉由高階主管、管理幹部及加盟物流士的深入訪談並記錄,將依臨場的情境或受訪者的回饋加以彈性調整訪談的廣度與深度,並作訪談記錄資料分類及比較、分析,以發現資料間的關係與結構。目的在於希望透過各種管道、各種資料、各種不同層級的人的說法,不斷地去審視創新經營的本質及現象的意義,以驗證捷盛運輸公司進行創新經營模式後,經營成本差異及創新核心價值落差。 研究資料分析發現,原是傳統產業中再傳統不過的運輸業,經個案公司藉由模仿母公司加盟制度經營的方式來創新運輸業經營模式的發展,而有了新氣象並且滿足了企業成長的需求,主要的成功因素可以歸納為二點,一是企業經營策略及運輸業加盟制度設計及運用的成功;二是員工態度的轉變及對加盟制度的正確認知。捷盛運輸公司歷經8年以加盟制度經營運輸業,歷經不斷的制度修正與訂定,以發展出一套成熟的運輸加盟制度及管理辦法。驗證了傳統產業也可以老瓶新裝尋求企業成長動力並以創新經營模式發展。


For recent years, there have been many significant changes in modes of transportation and commerce of Taiwan conventional industry, i.e. the infra-structure modification and multi-network development. The ongoing dilemma for the transportation service derives from a seesaw struggle between the customers and the carriers that keep taking the demand to provide quality but low-cost commodity for the fixed points, immediate and to-the-house service needs. This study aimed to probe into how the strategies adopted by the conventional carrier push ahead with the innovative management so as to survive those changes. By taking the PLI (President Logistics International Corporation) as an example, three goals are come out with the research as follows: (1) the mutual development of the organization transform and innovative management patterns in the PLI. (2) the relationship between patterns and achievements. (3) and then the impact of the drivers’ working motivation against the new patterns. Consequently, according the qualitative interviews via on-site observation through the whole research, the analysis of the data reveals two conclusions as the responses to the goals of the research. First, the well-designed system program of the alliance mode leads the PLI management to succeed. Second, the highly endorsement of the staff and employees in PLI guarantees the progress of the new patterns. Finally, the PLI experience firmly presents the possibilities for those conventional systems that they may seek the advanced growth by revising their patterns and reforming their organization to have challenges got over.


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