  • 學位論文


Customer Relational Benefits in Chinese Context

指導教授 : 嚴秀茹


顧客關係管理是近年來相當熱門的一個研究課題,企業也都曉得與顧客維繫良好的關係,不僅可以增加獲利性,還可以省下大量的時間與成本,但本研究試圖從顧客的角度出發,了解在核心服務與產品之外,所能額外賦予顧客的「顧客關係利益」。依據Gwinner et al.(1998)的研究分類,將關係利益區分出三種類型,分別是:信任利益、社交利益與特別待遇利益。有鑒於東西方處於不同的文化環境下,對於「關係」的看法也迥然不同,因此,本研究以華人社會的角度來重新探討顧客關係利益的類型與內涵。 本研究透過深度訪談33位受訪者以及問卷調查法共625份有效問卷之結果,另外歸類出Gwinner et al.(1998)所未提到的顧客關係利益類型,分別是:尊重利益、知識利益與認同利益。同時也發現顧客關係利益雖然重要,但也不可忽略阻礙關係進展與維繫的「顧客關係障礙」存在,其中阻力最大的便是隱私障礙的產生。由研究結果中也發現,顧客關係利益對於忠誠度的確有顯著的正面影響,而關係障礙也會對於忠誠度帶來顯著的負面衝擊。 由於全球化的興起與網路媒體的發達,文化也會隨著時間的改變而調整,但在顧客關係利益的相關研究中,將文化因素納入探索的研究卻付諸闕如,因此本研究將Hofstede和Bond(1998)國家文化因素納入探討,並且實際透過問卷調查方式進行探索,依據文化構面分別選擇兩類高低不同的族群,了解關係利益與障礙對於忠誠度,是否會因為國家文化價值觀的差異而有所影響。希冀透過本研究的結果,使企業經營顧客關係時能因地制宜,以及滿足後續研究者對此議題的了解與興趣。


Customer Relational Benefits in Chinese Context Student:Chien-Yu Su Advisors:Dr. Hsiu-Ju Yen Department of Business Administration Yuan-Ze University ABSTRACT Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has been a popular research topic in recent years. Companies knows that have a good relationship with customers can bring more profits and reduce cost. This study is trying to know customer relational benefits from consumer’s perspective, of maintaining a relationship with a service firm. Finding from Gwinner’s research indicated that customer relational benefits can be categorized into three distinct benefit types: confidence, social, and special treatment benefits. In Gwinner’s research is based on Western industrialized culture. It is important to know that in the customer-service provider relationship may be very different when considered in Chinese context. To address these questions, this study were undertaken in a two-phase research design. In the first study, depth interviews were conducted with 33 customers to gain a better qualitative understanding of the benefits in Chinese context. Three unique relational benefits in Chinese context were suggested from analysis of the first study: knowledge, respect, identity-related benefits. In addition to relational benefits, there are also some specific relational barriers that may damage customers’ loyalty relationship with company. In study 2, about 625 consumers were surveyed to understand how the receipt and importance of relational benefits may vary across different types of Hofstede’s national cultures. In this study we can explore culture has an important influence in defining a relationship and how to develop relationship benefits in Chinese market. Keyword: customer relational benefits, customer relational barriers, customer loyalty, national cultures


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