  • 學位論文

警察行政管理之缺失與改進建議 ---以桃園縣警察局為例

Identifying Administrative Problems and Solutions of Police Affairs--- A Case Study of Taoyuan County Police Department

指導教授 : 李 伯 謙 博士


警察行政管理之缺失與改進建議 --- 以桃園縣警察局為例 研究生:陳 武 康 指導教授:李 伯 謙 博士 元 智 大 學 管 理 研 究 所 提 要 提振行政效能是我國各級政府過去幾年來一項重要的目標。由於政府的重視,警政署也已經採取若干措施來設法改進其效能。警政改革之努力重點可分為外部服務及內部行政管理兩個面向。就外部服務而言,維護社會治安及交通秩序是警察兩大任務。就內部行政方面而言,提升行政能力和減少風紀問題則是警政管理的重點。然而,目前警政高層所推動的警政革新運動幾乎全都專注於外部服務方面,對於內部行政管理方面較為忽略。因為良好的內部行政管理是警察對外服務能力之基礎,忽視內部行政管理必然對外部服務品質產生不利之影響。為進一步瞭解當前縣市警局在行政管理上所遭遇到的困難,本研究以桃園縣警局為例,對警察機關內部行政管理的現況做一次深度的探索。具體而言,本研究運用深度訪談之方法,而調查之重點放在警察局之「警用裝備器材」、「警政資訊」、「研發管考」、「教育訓練」、「督察業務」等五項行政管理構面,希望藉由此項多面性的觀察與探討,對警察行政管理問題提出興革之建言。


Identifying Administrative Problems and Solutions of Police Affairs --- A Case Study of Taoyuan County Police Department Student:Wu-kang Chen Advisor: Po-chien Li, Ph.D. Graduate School of Management Yuan Ze University ABSTRACT Enhancing the administrative efficacy has been an important goal of our various governmental units over the last few years. As a result of this emphasis, the National Police Administration has been undertaking measures to improve its effectiveness. Two foci are aimed by the NPA endeavors: external services and internal management. For external services, maintaining public security and keeping traffic in order are the two primary missions of the police. For internal management, the major tasks are to upgrade administrative ability and to reduce disciplinary problems of the policeman. However, the present efforts of the NPA administrators in reinventing police administration have been inordinately devoted to external services, while the issues of internal management have received much less attention. Because the police department’s ability to serve the public depends greatly on its administrative capability, such ignorance is undesirable. To better understand what administrative problems the city/county police department faces, the current study selects the Taoyuan County Police Department as an example and examines different aspects of police administration. Adopting an in-depth interview method, this study looks at the following administrative areas: “vehicle and equipment”, “information system”, “planning, control and evaluation”, “education and training”, and “inspection and supervision”. The results of the investigation are reported in the thesis and suggestions for changes are also provided.


2行政院研考會,90年 元月17日,電子化政府整合型入口網站發展
